Fuck, off.
Tell me I'm yours <3
250409. ♥

Yiinz Chin

Create Your Badge

Thursday, August 26 ,
2:06 PM
Everythings goes wrong .. Uh oh !

Hey! I'm back again .. Lol ! Alright alright .. I know no one will see this blog because no one know this blog link , only you will see this . But i'm not write for u to see lah , just wanna say out loud! so stress recently! Pra Pmr-ing barh . Hmmm .. But still okay lah, at least i know how to do ? :D But then , my relationship .. Erm , still okay i think ? But maybe after so many problem and quarrel , hot coffee become warm coffee liao .. Maybe u dont know what i say lah, but its alright .. better than no coffee to drink, right ? sometimes felt so complicated , so annoying , so tired .. but i still holding it , because i know ure my first love .. maybe u think i'm stupid or naive , but true what ? xD most of th time , i dont know what are u thinking and what do u want . maybe i still dont know u well ? i admit i'm not a good girlfriend in this world , i admit i treat my boy not good , i admit i'm savage or small gas .. but this is me! this is how i am if i truly fall in love ! before i dont care u go where, with who, got smoke or take drugs or not .. because i thought we're just a simple relationship .. but who knows? we've been together for 1 year and 4 months =) No one know what will happen next second . So my boy, appreciate everything now k ? At least we appreciate everything and we didnt regret .. Dont do th same mistake like me, regret what i said and now i get nemesis ..