Fuck, off.
Tell me I'm yours <3
250409. ♥

Yiinz Chin

Create Your Badge

Saturday, January 30 ,
12:55 AM

My blog is DEAD ! =)  I'm recently active at tumblr .

Friday, January 22 ,
10:03 PM
♥ short updated

Woops ! My brother gonna come out at tomorow morning . =)  Feel sad when walk pass his room . Aww ~ Hmm . Happy belated 9 months to Alister Then Yang Tu & Chin Yin Yin !

12:10 AM


Monday, January 18 ,
6:59 PM

WOOPS ! Few more hours to go ! >< !

Sunday, January 17 ,
10:24 PM

WTF ! SO MOODY AH ! mlm ! 2 more days to go , and you treat me like that ! ARGH ! You said you won't like that again , but still like that ! HATE IT SO FUCKING MUCH ! CCB ! I've already try my best to change for you and you have see it . Then , what you done for me ? <'3 !!

Monday, January 11 ,
6:30 PM
♥ I want to know what love is

Can someone tell me what love is ? >< .. I've hang out yesterday with my three leg relationship partner and my loves one ~ =) Meet up at Bing! I'm th first one reach there . White Summeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer . Then then , Wee reach , darling and his bro reach , th last one Ally . =D After Ally reach , I acc my man go cut hair . Aww ~ No more Y . =( .. After that , we go Teacher Jenny there for taking th timetable . ARGH ! She still remember me barh . >< !! After that , go back Bing! again . Not awhile , we go Popular for buying my man's stuff . Hmm .. Then pick Kim Hua up at Jalan Song . After that , acc my man go A One had his lunch . Err err . Then , Bing! again . =_= ~ We at there like crazy aneh . xD ! When my man and Kim hua went out for cigarette , Me and Ally and Wee go toilet AHERM AHERM ! x) Oppss ~ xP Hmm . 5something , my Ally babe back . =( .. Then , we go Nana's house . xD At there doing nothing . =_= .. 6something , bring Wee dear back , then we go Pullman . Go there walk lai walk ki . Then , my phone rang ! Means that its time to back . Aww ! Hate it so much ! After that , somethings happen badly . I'M SORRY . I DON'T WANT TO BE COLD . ='(

Saturday, January 9 ,
8:06 PM

TRALALALALAS ~ Okay , I've CHEER UP-ed ! Thanks alot to Wee Hearts Someonee and Ally Chiam . =) Wo love die ni men ! x) We three sometimes have same problem and we always hear and say story to each other . =D THIS IS WHAT WE CALL BBF !

4:50 PM

I though I'm always fucking damn strong to face any problems without any help . But , actually I'm not . =( .. WO BU XIANG BE SO JEALOUSY ~

Friday, January 8 ,
9:50 PM
♥ !


7:43 PM

YAWN ~ So so sleepy . GAH ! Last night talking phone with my man till 330 ? Whatthefuck . And and , th stupid bastard cibai fucking teacher pinch my face today ! Just because I've fall asleep for 5 minutes niah . mlm ! Fuck you deep deep ah ! Hngggggggggg ~ Oh ya , I've changed my blogskins because of SOMEONE wants to see my previous post .x) I'm so boredom now . ARGH !


Tuesday, January 5 ,
2:34 PM

Aww ~ I hate school life . I'm fucking sleepy lurh ! And , so bored when studying . Only when recess and going back , fun die ! Just now me and Marian play with th afternoon session's teacher . Argh ! Wo miss them alots ! I miss my form 2 life . Can do whatever I like ~ Can ponteng at Sej lesson , can talk rude with BM's teacher , can sleep at BI's lesson , can have fun with my friends ! x) Clement didn't have name for his form 3 , and I don't know he will come back at tomorow or not . If he's at class , totally song die ! GAH . Tomorow HE's going back to school ! But don't know can take name or not . =_= Last night has a BIG BIG RAIN ! But now , SUN SHINE ~ I <3 Sun Shine ! =) And , I love you too .

Sunday, January 3 ,
10:11 PM

ROAR ~ Woke up at 12something . Bath , online and then had my breakfast . Text Nichole asked her where are her . Because , I wanna call Nich pick me up cause Jin still at Damai . Then then , I called my man . Told him that I called other people pick me . Then he said he have car barh . So , I text Nichole told her no need le . After that , my man pick me up . Went Cold Storage bought my cupcakes and Coke . =_= Then , we went Jin's condo downstair . LALALA ~ Suddenly , RAIN ! We two wet die ki . xD Then he called Nana , asked her where are her then we go find her . After that , we go her house . =) No one at home . Just three of us . Oh , and Paul too . xD Paul are on th msn call larh ~ Gee . We three crazy at there . I help my man cut his left hand side's finger nail , Nana cut his right hand side's finger nail . xD ! Then we kacau Paul . LOL .. Then Nana blow my hair . Then she hungry , go kitchen cook something . Me and my man follow her also . xD My man help her cook , I watching them cook . =) Then , my man's mom called him . I think ? Said wanna use tiok car , call him go back . So , we leave Nana's house and went to his house . LALALA ~ Reach his house , his parents are out . They just cheat him go back niah . Hahahahah ! And then , I saw his little cousin . =D I love th smallest one . She more cute than th oldest one . =P Then then not awhile , his parents are back . AWW ~ Not long , his brother and Jin come back too . Then , my man cook mee for me . =) Thankyou so much ! After eat , I wash th plate too . See ! Guai xi fer ~ =P Err . Then awhile Jin pick me back le . BLAME Johnny Liap ! Geesh ! Hai me can't meet Charley . I HATE YOU ! Hmph ! Then , his mom kacau me barh . =_= Th first time I saw his dad , and I not dare to talk to him lurh . Argh ~ School reopen tomorow !! O.M.G ~ I don't want ! I need to wake up early in th morning at 6 ! NO WAY ! =( But , I have a morning call if I can't wake . =) Now , I'm wearing his tee . =P

Alister Then Yang Tu , better give me back th pj shirts ah !
If not , you die cham cham !
Hmph ! =P

Saturday, January 2 ,
11:37 PM
♥ 2010

GAH , It's a new year ! >< !! Happy New Year ~ ♥ I had move to my daddy's home le . Aiks ! I'm so damn sad when I prepared my things . Cause I leave my mom alone at home , then I stay with my daddy . =( SORRY MOM , I PROMISED I'LL ALWAYS GO FIND YOU ! ='( I cried at my brother's car just now . Cause I really not bear to leave her . HAIHS ~ Gonna out tomorrow . Aww ~ Don't feel wanna out . =X Geeeee ~ =P