Fuck, off.
Tell me I'm yours <3
250409. ♥

Yiinz Chin

Create Your Badge

Friday, October 30 ,
11:26 PM

WTF ! My mood was so so damn down now ! I also dont know what cibai thing I angrying ! Grrrrrrrrr * Feel wanna kill someone now ! Ishhhhhhhhhh ! No one can find me till th next day I wake up ! Goodbye !

Thursday, October 29 ,
11:33 PM

O.O Tomorow test again woi ! Just one word can discribe SIEN . =X  Then , next Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday test also . =(  After test , I want ponteng ah ! =P  Hrmm .. Started at Tues ? We always meet each other at Tang Cheng there . O.O  Then , he pick me go school . =)  Happy die happy die . =D  Yesterday ? I saw Nichole Lee and Nicholas Ng at CnC . O.O  Hug Nichole straightly . =)  Hehs . Then , du go find him le . Just now when back from school , raining again . Ish . Then , saw Mervyn , Kim Hua and some people at back door . O.O  I'm hungry now . =(

Tuesday, October 27 ,
1:23 AM

O.O Now is 271009 0105am . =)  Just finish talk phone with my bendan . =D  Suddenly , miss him alots . Just now , I lie to him . =P  Actually , I cried but I say I didnt . =X  Just dont want make you worry or what . Sorry ~ =P  You asked me why we will so love each other ? HAHA .. I also dont know why . Hrmm ..Happen alots of thing after we together , but we never give up before . =)  People ask me why I will like you , I answer I dont know . Hehs . I really dont know barh . =X  Love a person does not have any reason . =)  Because you love him , so you will do anything for him and you wont regret . =)  Hope we can together till we married , till we have our own baby boy or baby girl , till we become grandpa and grandma . =D  Alister Then , I need your big warm hug right now ! ='(
I love you , Alister Then Yang Tu .

Monday, October 26 ,
8:17 PM

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh *
 Ish ! Today woke up at 7+ O.O EARLY WOI ! Then , fast fast see my phone . Awwww , got his message barh . =P  Then , reply him and wont sleep liao . But 945 baru wake up from my bed and iron my uniform . =)  After that , bath and go out eat with chou bro . =D  Went school study as usual . Lalalas ~ When ENG , sleep =)  Called him at recess time . O.O  When almost go home , he said today is my bro pick me back . And , he pick Yen back too . KNS * I damn kin tio lurh ! Grrrrrrrr * Then , when i sit in my car . He didnt say anything borh . =X  Went Secret Garden had my dinner wiv bro , Liap , Liap's girlfriend , Jin and Leon AGAIN * =_____= LOL After eating , bro send me back . Awhile , Ah Zai came my house . Then , they both go gym le . ROAR ! Mama and papa is BACK * No freedom liao . Sad die ! =(  And mama started huat siaw again . Wo bu xi huan ta =S

12:09 AM

Grrrrrrrrrrr * Sia soi ah just now ! Blahh ! Hrmm .. Last night sleep at today morning 0545am , =)  Cooking porridge with my man . =X  Then , woke up at 1pm . =D  Awhile , bro woke up too . Then , asked me want eat what then du go out le . 3+ , i though he came back . But not , is his girlfriend . O.O Chat alot of thing with her . =)  She know many people that i know too . O.O HAHA .. Then then , when 6pm ? Not sure bout it . She pick me out for my dinner . =_____= Makan again * Went wooden house eat . =)  And , i saw Mervyn , Kim Hua , Nikko , Ina , Nana , Hazel , Karen them at there too . Woots * Chat wiv them awhile , du go king centre fetch bro . After that , we went Hui Sing . Bro and his friend plan to go there eat . Then , i saw Steph ! Woots * She's SO PRETTY WOI ! Bro's girlfriend knew her and say hi to her awhile . O.O Then then , They change place , go Daydream eat . =)  I order fruity sprite <3  Nice wuu ~  =D After they finish eating , go back home . Ah Liap , Ah Jin and Leon came my house AGAIN . =_________=  Ah Jin and Leon cheat me barh ! Grrrrrrrr * Jin said HE's coming my house pick him . Nyaiti ! That time , i so kin tio lurh ! Heart attack ah ! Leon and Jin keep laughing barh ! Ishh * Been cheat by them . Jin , you wait !! Hmph * Then , bro's girlfriend's mom came my house and pick her . I though is HIM , you know !? WTF * Then , Leon and Jin du laugh till .. Duno how to say ah ! Then Liap also go back at the same time . Grrrrrr * KEK TIOK LUH ! Before they leave , Jin still call Leon say sorry to me , because they just scare me niah . =S  Kek tiok ahhhhh * ROAR ! Ishh .

Saturday, October 24 ,
4:40 PM

Woots !
Last night sleep at .. Hrmm .. 0215 am . =X  Hehs . Today woke up at 1215 :)  Called him , but he call me go brush teeth and bath sin . =____=  I brush teeth but no bath . =D  Then , straight online . =)  My eyes duno why , like gold fish aneh . o.O So hard to see thing barh . =____= RAINing just now ! Geeeeeeesh * Wo bu xi huan raining ! :(  Hmph ! But now stop already . =_____= Nobody at home now . Sien si ! Grrrrrrr *

Friday, October 23 ,
11:37 PM

Woots ! Just now , bro pick me when fang xue . With his friends too . When Singapore Chicken Rice had our dinner . Lalalas ~ Then , go back home . Awhile , bro called me open door for his friend - Ah Ti . Then , i asked him where's his sister ? XD .. Then he said at Spring le !  O.O Then i said i want go there find her . =P  HAHA ..  Then he help me told my bro and my bro allow too . =)  Hehs . Then i du fast fast bath and change cloths . Ah Ti bring me go there and he go eat . Lalalas ! Have alots of fun with my babe biatch ! Wheeees * :)  10+ , Ah Ti bring us back to my house . Then , me and Evelyn du go my room and online and play webcam . XD .. Take two picha with her . =P  Lovessss

Wednesday, October 21 ,
10:01 PM

Happy 6th month Anniversary to Mr Then and Mrs Then !
 Wheeeeeeeeeeees * My first 6th month with him . He's my first man i've together for 6th month ! Woots ~ =P  Never together with a boy till 6th month ah . Lalalas ! I'm happy that i've meet him . =)  After together with him , baru know what's true love mean . =D  I LOVE HIM so much woi ! He belongs to me , Chin Yin Yin ! =) 

Alister Then Yang Tu , you're Chin Yin Yin punya !
Dont ever leave me alone . 
Must love me forever and ever .
Remember we still have eight years to go . 
I'll love you till th end of my life .

Tuesday, October 20 ,
10:45 PM

Lalalas ~ Aherm ! FEW MORE HOURS TO GO ! =P  But my Mr Then is doing his sweet dream le . =_______= Sien luh ! =\  Geeeesh !  When reach school , Bernard told me he at inner . =(  That time , my mood was damn down woi . =X  Cause we say ho want meet de mah . Ish ! Then , when around 5 , he came school ! ROAR ! That time i at dewan too . =P  Finally , we've meet ! =)  Wheeeeees * I'm so EXcited now ! HAHA .. Waiting for th time ~

12:09 AM

GRAWR ! My mood quite down now . Hrmm .. But better than one hours ago . Blassssss ! Why he cried ? =(  I'm so moody and worried after i heard he was cried this afternoon . I dont know what's th reason he cried . Haiish ! Lalalas . Gonna meet my man tomorow . Miss him so damn much !

EXcited **

Sunday, October 18 ,
6:44 PM

Woke up around 1115 ? Gashh ! Mom not at home again , so text my man . Wanna hear his voice , but he still sleeping barh ! Grrrrrrr ~ Then lying at th bed doing day dream awhile baru wake up brush teethie . =P  After that , watch TV . O.O Duno what time , mom back . Eat my lunch and continue my drama . Lalalas ~ 4something , sit infront of my laptop and online till now . =)  Half online half enjoy my Brownie Cheese Cake . O.O ! Yucks ! Not nice woi . Uek * Wheeees ! Hearing Falling For You . <3

But that day , i cant meet you .
Sad die ~

12:46 AM
♥ Tagged

我點到你了~幸福點點名遊戲規則回答下列問題, 貼到自己的網誌or報台寫完後,自己 加一個問題然後傳給十個人,可以點 點過的人,被你點到的人你要去跟他 說,我點到你了。寫完後去跟點到你 人說「我寫完了」不可以不寫喔,不写幸福就會跑掉喔

1.我的大名 : 陈盈盈
2.我的生日 : 2月28
3.誰傳給你的 : 林瑞姗
4.說出五個好朋友 : Marian Jeeeeee , Nicholeeeeee , Ally , Wee , Cassandra
5.生日想要得到什麼禮物 :  不知道,到时候才讲 =D
6.近期開心的是 : Hrmm .. 不懂哦!
7.近期壓力大的是  : 要考试了!
8.未來想做什麼 : 邓太太!
9.有沒有喜歡的人 : 没有波~
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎:看先. xD 
11.跟誰出去最幸福 : 当然是邓先生啦!
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : 看谁错,才看怎样. =)
13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : 不知道波~
14.聖誕節要做啥 : 在家睡觉. =D 
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節 : 我的邓先生 <3
16.有沒有起床气 : 有时候 =X
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹 : 一个臭哥哥 =P
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) :  LadyGaga - There are nothing else i can say
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : Cobra Starship - Good Girls Go Bad  
20.喜歡什麼顏色 : 黑白 <3
21.上廁所會不會先沖水 : 看心情 =P
22.愛不愛我 : 干嘛爱你?神经病!我爱邓仰土 =)
23.喜歡男生還是女生 :哈哈哈!当然是男的啦!废话~
24.最想大聲說什麼 : I MISS YOU ! =( 
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : 当然...不敢 =D
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : Lalalas ~ 跟你讲不会,你相不相信?
27.誰很欠打 : X X X
28.現在很迷什麼 : 睡觉 =)
29.睡相很差 : 还好啦 ~ 
30.現在的時間 :1226am

31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : 不会勒 ~
32.體重多少 : 47kg. =P
33.今天天氣 : 不知道波 ~
34.你懷孕了嗎 : 哈哈哈!有又怎样?Blusssssss !
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : 没有想过波,等我想好才跟你讲.
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : 不懂勒 ~
37.如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色 你選: 黑色!
38.如果有一天,你喜歡的人跟你告 白,你的心情如何?: 开心咯!问废话 ~

1。Marian Jee
2。Ally babe
3。Nichole dear
4。Summer darling
6。Stupiak Ling
8。Leonard Teo

10。 Babev

01-【4號認識6號嗎】: 认识!
04-【1號有沒有兄弟姐妹】:很想,没有吧 ~
05-【7號姓氏】:不懂波 =X
07-【4號有人 追嗎】:多咯!
09-【6號 喜歡的顏色是】:不太清楚哦
10-【3號和10號是 友嗎】:不是!
12-【7號讀哪呢】:Kuching High !
13-【你怎麼認識10號的】 : 忘记咯 ~
14-【你跟1號的生日差幾個月】:Erm , erm , erm ..
17-【你喜歡和3號在一 嗎】:非常喜欢~
18-【你喜歡的人有在表上嗎】:没有波 =(

Saturday, October 17 ,
9:30 PM

Woke up at 0605 AM ! Gosh ! So early barh ~ Ishh ! Brush teethie and bath .  After that , when Qing's home pick her up . But she havent wake up ! Grrrrrr ~ So , we pangseh her . =X  Me and mama when kopitiam drink a cup of Milo and two slices of bread . Then then , go KokBoon meet some friends at there . Qing also at there too . O.O After that , called my man . =)  He just woke up barh . =P  Then , 9something he reach KokBoon with Chia Ming . Lalalas awhile du 10am le . So , i need to go to school with Cassandra le . ROAR ! Not long , he came school too . Then , i keep late go in AVA room cause wanna with him . =D  ERHEM ! Hahahahah .. 0510 pm , mom reach school gate . So i need to say Goodbye to my man and give him a goodbye kish . Bring Qing back to my house , and just now had my dinner with her too . After dinner , pick Qing go back home and papa send me and mama back too . Lalalas ~ Reach home , and online ! =D

 I dont regret what I've done . 
As long as you dont leave me , other things i dont care at all .
I really love you !
So , please . Dont leave me .
4days to go ..

Friday, October 16 ,
8:30 PM

TOday reach school at 1140 . O.O Meet Cassandra at school then straightly go Tang Cheng find my man . =)  Reach there , Cassandra du go back school with Clement . Then , me together with my man , Kim Hua and Nikko . LOL .. Kim Hua and Nikko so damn funny lurh ! xD ! After that , my man bring me go CnC . BUT so sad ! He didnt hold my hand and walk pass th road , because Cassandra came Tang Cheng find me barh ! Ishh ! Why she want come ? Grrrr ~ Reach CnC , comb my hair awhile then baru go school . =P  Go AVA room for th programme - Life , Love and Sex . O.O ! Lalalas ~ A bit boring and a bit fun . Got alot of sweet to eat ah . =P Tomorow still need go to school at 0800 . ROAR ! I gonna wear CAN WE ? xD .. Go back home at 620 . When blablabla had my dinner with papa and mama . =D  Nice woi !  Love it ! Then , go back home and online . =)

5 days woi !
Cant wait for it .
i you !

Thursday, October 15 ,
10:55 PM

Lalalas ~ Today reach school liao, du saw my man at dewan then ran to infront of him and chat with him. =)  After that, we went TangCheng drink water. O.O Pull Summer and aAple go too. =D  Then then, Charmaine datang. I talk to her woi ! xD Th first time ~ =)  After that, go back school with Clement and Eric. O.O ! Then, study study study ~ 620 back grandma's house for bath and eat then go TUITION ! Woots ! My NEW FRIEND Nicholas. xDD  Nichole and Ally ; I heart you ! Mwah ** =X  1015 balik rumah then online. =D  Tomorow going school but bo study. =) Just for me and some students niah. =P

6days to go !
Wheeees ~

Wednesday, October 14 ,
10:16 PM

两种老公 两种人生








































   他:你对身边的每个人都很友善。很无私。对人对生活总是很感恩。一个人有一颗善良的心。会让周围的人感觉到温暖。你是我见过最善良的女孩儿。伤害你的人都应该下地  狱!



8:37 PM

Geeeesh ! Almost late when reach school but didnt. =)  Been catch socks by teacher. KNN ! But i didnt pay th money.  =X  ROAR ! After that, go back class and text him. =D  Lalalas ~ He reply so damn ' FAST ' woi ! Grrr ~ Awhile, he du bo reply liao. =_______= At first, duno what happen. At last, think tiok maybe he sleepsleep liao. x)  Ohhyeah ! Give me guess correct wor. xD I'm so clever. Opps ! HAHA ! Fang xue, went Kenyalang buy thing awhile baru go home. O.O ! Now just finish my dinner not long. Hehs. =)

7days to go..
Miss you alots :(

Tuesday, October 13 ,
9:15 PM

O.O ! TOday a bit UN-healthy at school. =P  Hehs. Hrmm. Reach school, sit with Evelyn them and chit chat sin. Then then, i saw him BUT he didnt saw me barh. He walk pass infront of me but he didnt saw me woi ! Kek seii me ~ Ishh ! After that, go back class and studyyyyy . Recess, i didnt meet him ! They 0310 du finish test liao, we 0320 baru recess. Ishhhhhhh !! Cant meet him cant meet him ! Walking back to class with a bad mood. GRRRRR ~ When SC, we go sc lab. Awhile, Stella cry wor. O.O ! Cry heavily barh. So sad borh ! Kua liao pun sien ! =X  0620 balik rumah, went HuiSing makan. O.O After that, go home. =)

8 days to go..

Monday, October 12 ,
11:19 PM

Grrrrrrrrrrrr ! After tomorow, we very hard can meet each other le. SAD DIE ! Hrmm .. I'll miss you badly. ='(  Just now went tuition. Awwwwww ~ I forgot to bring my phone barh. xD Then, borrow babehh's phone and msg him. =) Tomorow PMR last day le. Then next week, test le. O.O ! Fast woi ! I arboi prepare ho lurh ~ Erks. Ishh ! Bernard Ting sleep at my place !! Wanted him ! Lalalas ~ Nothing to blog le. Nighttttttttt !

Sunday, October 11 ,
3:37 PM

O.O ! Started raining again. Blusssssss ~ Changed new blogskins. O.O .. Woke up at 1110  =)  Feel sleepy barh. Yawn ** Saw mama didnt at home again. Ishh ! Then, brush teethie and watch TV. =D  Black and White ♥. =)  12+, mama came back and bought me chicken rice. Yeeeeeer ~ Dont feel wanna eat. =X So, i just eat half ? xD After that, continue watch TV. =__= Now, sitting infront of my laptop and online. =P  Tonight will go bla bla bla have my dinner with mama. =D excited ** xP  Miss him ! 10days to go ~

wo Alister Then Yang Tu !

Friday, October 9 ,
9:38 PM

ROAR ~ Woke up at 1133 ? xD Go school at 1. O.O Reach school, heard Ms.Wee said just now they've catched 2 couples in a classroom and they lock themself inside th classroom. O.O ! Gin tio chin lurh. =D  Then, Ms.Wee said it out their name barh. Sia soi chin. >.< After that, we go back class. Me and Clement walk salah block barh. =P  Then, study and msg him. =) Lalalas ~ Recess went canteen makan. Hungry woi ! xD 620 Back. But, papa pick me at 649 lurh. Hak seii me. XD ! Reach home, bath then go out makan. Balik rumah, online again. =.=

Thursday, October 8 ,
11:37 PM

Ermm. Last night i set my alarm at 10, but today i woke up at 1030. =X Tired barh. Hehs. Reach school at 1145. Saw Cassandra at dewan and she told me today he 4pm finish his test. Gashhhh ! I though i cant meet him barh. Go out with her, cause she want find her boyboy. =X Go back school at 1230. Balik class room, text him. =P  He said he went out makan and came back at 2pm. O.O ! Awhile, teacher came in and said, we'll recess at 4PM also ! HAHA ! Happy happy ~ xP When recess, RUN to his class ! Then, i saw him i saw him ! Hehs. I've already 6days bo see tiok him liao barh. Miss him alots ! :P  415 bell ring. WTH ! So fast du bell ring liao ! Ishh ~ Not enough for me barh. Grrrrrr ~ Go back class, text him again. xD And, he told me something. I though he wanna break with me barh. =(  But it's not. =)  He just telling me his feeling. =] Gashhhh ! Hai me almost tears drop infront of Clement them lurh. Shameshame ** x)  After that, 620 HOME ! Mama pick me late, i 735 cai reach tt lurh ! Ishh ~ Msg my man again. =___=  Blek ! 1015 HOME ! =)

I just wanna married with Mr.Alister Then Yang Tu ! =P
I promised wont leave you =)
I love you .

Wednesday, October 7 ,
5:17 PM

Woke up at around 10. O.O Brush teethie and took bath. Then went Tabuan eat breakfast. Geeeeeeesh ! After that, mama go find her friends. So, i sit inside the car alone. =D That time, i around Premier101. O.O ! Msg babe. xD Though she at home, then i can go find her. But ! She at shop barh. So ke si lurh ~ Ishh ! Miss her damn lots. :P  Balik rumah at 330 ? Awhile, raining again. GRAWR ! Benci raining larh. Aiyeeeeeeer ! Everyday rain non stop. WTF ! Hate hate !! Fast fast tomorow liao ~ Hehs. I gonna meet my man tomorow. xP I miss him damn lots lots lurh !! xP Blek ~
i heart you, forever. <3

Tuesday, October 6 ,
8:40 PM

Grrrrrr ~ Last night told mama tomorow i maii go school. Mana ehcai give her boom. Go die larh ! Ishh !! WTH ! Then then, today wake up at 0700am. Nyaiti ! Is damn early for me lurh. Duno next year what time wake up arh. O.O Reach school late barh, cause traffic jam. =X So i didnt eat my breakfast. HAHA ! Heard Stella got bring phone to school, so borrow her phone msg my man. =)  We spend 2+ hours at dewan doing rehearsal. Cause afternoon SOMEONE will come our school. Blahs ~~ I duno what's his name barh. HAHA ! When 1015 ? We went canteen makan. =D Saw back door was open, and got people go in and go out. So me and Cassandra du go out. O.O ! Phone my man awhile  =D  Hehs. After that, go in school again, wait for th SOMEONE come. SOMEONE reach school le, clap hand, hear they speech. Suddenly rain heavily barh ! Nyaiti ! Then, we RUN ! Hehs. Run to th stage there. O.O ! My shoes wet jor, and my hair also wet jor. Opps ! Hehs. 1700 we back, borrow phone from friends and called mama to come now. Reach home wash shoes sin. After that cai bathbath. =)  Mama fried noodle for me. Hrmm. Not bad ~ :D Then, ONLINE ! =D

Sunday, October 4 ,
5:40 PM

Lalalas ~ O.O ! Last night sleep at 0210a.m. Opps ! =X Hehs. Then today wake up at around 10. YAWN ** Sleepy barh. Hehs. After that, papa pick me and mama up. Went unknown place eat breakfast. O.O ? I forget at where already. =\ Then then, we go Lundu find AhFu. O.O ! Last night he overnight at there with his friends. So song woi ! :( .. Then, eat lunch with him and his friend. He back Kuching with his friend sin, awhile me and papa and mama cai back. =) Reach home around 4 something. Raining barh ! =/ Sien si. D:

Saturday, October 3 ,
4:21 PM

Happy birthday Ally Chiam Shu Hui ! :D Muahs ** Owe you forth kishkish. :P Today woke up at 10+ , mama didnt at home again. =.= Brush teethie , watch drama and msg my man. =)  Awhile, papa datang and pick me go out eat lunch. O.O ! After eat, go home. Reach home, ONLINE. =D  Tonight have dinner with papa and AhFu. =\ Happy moonCAKE festival yarh ! :)

Heart AllyChiamShuHui ! :]

Friday, October 2 ,
8:13 PM

O.O Wake up at 10+. Saw mama didnt at home, then brush teethie and straightly online. :P Chat with Nichole dear. :) I miss her badly. :'( Not awhile, mama came back. Go bath and go out eat my breakfast. :D Reach school at 1350 ? I late jor. Opps ! Today bo study barh. Whole day clean classroom. Cheh ~ Zao zhi dao maii go school arh. =X When fang xue, everyone go dewan. Then hear Ms.Wee say something. O.O When Tues, someone will visit our school. =.= Guan wo pi shi ! Lalalas ~ We go home
around 6pm ? Then then, when my car drive pass back door. I saw SOMEONE at there with th black tee barh ! Aiseh ~ At first, i duno that people was him wor. =X I still though which lengzai standing at there barh. HAHA ! Actually is my man. Hehs. Reach home, bath eat, then online :D

11:16 AM

He's MINE , get away from him !

12:00 AM

Reach school around 1130 ? Then go his class straightly ! :D Saw him and chat wiv him and Nana at th window there. =.= Awhile , his teacher came so i go dewan alone. Not long, saw him came out wiv Nana. Cookies barh. O.O Then then, we chit chat at dewan there. O.O Saw Cikgu.Bernard ! He and Nana run so fast lurh. HAHA ! That time i still catch no ball gok. :P He been catch back to class but Nana run away to canteen liao. Hehs. Then, i walk alone at the dewan, waiting him fang xue. Lalalas ~ Yen today bo bring phone to school ! Geeeeeeesh ! A bit UN-happy. =X But, nevermind narh ~ :) Forgive him. :DD When recess, go 2G see those boys playing. Awwwww ~ They play so rude barh. HAHA ! Ohh-ya ~ Next week they gonna PMR luu. Plus oil at your exam yarh ~ :) Muahss** =X Goshhhhhhhhhhh ! My line was DAMN low barh. Ishhhh ! Benci benci ! O.O!