Fuck, off.
Tell me I'm yours <3
250409. ♥

Yiinz Chin

Create Your Badge

Wednesday, September 30 ,
9:36 PM
Finally :)

Rawr ! Today go TangCheng at 1030am. O.O Meet Evelyn and Cassandra at there. Keep asking them ; He got come mou ? He got eat medicine mou ? :D Go inner find Clement awhile, online awhile. :P 12+, done our project. Get ready to go school, then then, I SAW MY MAN ! At first, i still duno that was him. =X Hehs. Then follow him go bek TangCheng, Evelyn and Cassandra go in school sin. Chit chats wiv my man awhile, du go in school liao. Sadsad ! Then we spend bout one period time at dewan doing NOTHING ! =.= After that, go back class do my KH project. LOL Recess phone my man. :) "i heart him alots !" Then, today went home at 6PM. O.O ? Saw babe msg me, said Jun ever is my ex-neighbour. Gashhhh ~ I cant remember barh. HAHA ! Reach home, bath, eat and online. :D

I dont mind how you say me,
I dont mind how you see me,
Hate me? I'm stll gonna shine ~ :D

Sunday, September 27 ,
6:05 PM

Lalalas ~ Dont care what you say. Im still gonna shine. Im not a COPY CAT :)

Monday, September 21 ,
11:28 PM

OMG ! Now i'm crazying on Super Junior and Big Bang !! They are SO leng zai arh ! Hehs. Super Junior de Super girl and Sorry sorry , Big Bang de lollipop ! =D love it love it. Blerk ! O.O Now i at Miri nerh ~ Saw tiok my cutie niece liao. Wheeeeeeeeees ! She's damn cute narh ~ But i din take any foto yet. Tomorow cai take picpic. Hehs. Always carry my nephew carry till my hand painpain ki arh. Geeeeeeeeeeesh ! He's too fat jor ~ XD Chubby chubby ~ =) Love seii him. =P Just come bek from BINTANG PLAZA. Bought donutssssss ! Hehs. That's my dinner ~ =D Tomorow afternoon gonna bek Bintulu then Thursday morning gonna bek Kuching ~! Grrrrrrrrrrr ~ I know someone miss me so damn much barh ~ >.< miss someone damn much much too ! =) Lalalas ~ Wad i'm gonna do now ? i'm sooooo damn boring nerh. Everyone was sleep jor ~ Left me one person niah. Geeeeeeeeeeshhhhh ! =]

Friday, September 18 ,
10:47 PM

Geeeeeeeeeeeeesh ! Last night sleep at around 2. Hehs. Is damn early for me barh. Lalalas ~ Then today wake up at 12+ and msg him. =) Then he called me ! Wheeeeeeeeeeees ~ We so long bo cook porridge liao lurh. Damn miss it. Blerk ! Then Ahgong , Maiimaii and Nana take the phn and kacau me. =.= Hai me blur blur aneh. Hehs. Then brush my teethie , take bath and eat my lunch. After that , msg him , online and watch TV. Tomorow i didnt at Kuching luu. Grrrrrrrrrr ~ Going to Miri see my cutie niece - Christabelle. She born at 2009.09.09. Nice birthday date barh. Hehs. Tonight i gonna sleep early cause tomorow i need wake up at 5am ! WTF. Going to cook porridge wiv him now. Buhbyeeeee :)

12:39 AM

Today go school early ! Tell lie to my mama said i've luar sidang but actually didnt have. =X they finish their exam at 1230 and we have bout 15minutes to pakto awhile. =) After pakto , he go bek home and i go bek dewan. Then teacher said tomorow NO SCHOOL ! Geeeeeeeeeeeeeesh ! Why must tomorow is holidays ? My mama tomorow is going to Sg and i can go school early to meet him ! But why must tomorow barh ? Ishhh ! Hate seii hate seii !! Hmph ~! Lalalas ~ When SEJ , Cikgu Roslan didnt come so Cikgu Jade seek in. Clement ponteng that subject. Zhun zhun ho Ggk take report book to Valerie and check wheather everyone in class or not. Then she saw Clement didnt at class barh. Hahs. Then she asked me Clement go where , i said 'how i know arh ? He's not my who , what should i care where he go' Then she du go boy's toilet find Clement wor. Laugh till peng arh me ! HAHA ! 1715 home sweet home. Went tt at 1910 and msg him ! x) Now i'm damn tired barh ! But i beh gam guan go sleep. Ngehehe !

Thursday, September 17 ,
12:10 AM

I'm happy for my result! Wheeeeeeeeeeeees! Hehs. Today reach school, straightly go dewan sit and waiting for the bell ring. Lalalas! When the bell ring, i not dare go up his class find him barh ,cause dewan too many teacher liao. My form teacher giving back our report book , after i see my result, i jump and scream at the dewan. Hahs. That time my SC teacher and Cikgu Jade see me and laugh. HAHA ! Then , i saw my man! And , i taking my report book and telling him i just failed two subject niah. Hehs. After that, he go back home and i study study study. When fang xue, mama said go ahma house awhile then 7pm go eat dinner with daddy and my stupid brother! After dinner, told mama i get my report book today and my result... That time mama was ready to scold me liao. Then i let her see my result and said 'SEE! 2 subject failed niah!' Hehs. Then mama said 'Hrm ~ Hai bu cuo narh. At least got improve barh.' Lalalas! Then i called mama give me a kish at my faceyy. =P Reach home , BATH , do my homework and ONLINE! =)

Monday, September 14 ,
10:51 PM
my monday ~

lalalas ~ today reach school late , cause mama go buy thingy awhile . geeeeeeesh ! so i cant meet him . =( this week they have exam !! plus oil plus oil on your exam yarh ~ =P hrm . today i'm so damn guai in class . =D seldom talk wiv friends nerh . hehs . when recess , saw Qing wiv her at canteen so i go 2D chit chats wiv my friends . then bell ring , go bek class ~ study study study , msg msg msg . x) then go bek home , bath , eat and tt ! that teacher was so damn funny barh ! laugh seii me ! hehs . 1030pm fang xue , reach home ONLINE !
i mish you alots barh !
mish seii you ~

Sunday, September 13 ,
7:59 PM
tireddddd ~

wake up at 11+ , feel damn tired . brush teethie and eat my breakfast then watch drama . cough cough cough non stop ! yiishhhh ~ then mama said i'm fever ! geeeeeeeeeeesh ! ChinYinYin sick jor ~ hate hate hate !! then mama bring me go Timberland see doctor . this is the first time i see doctor myself ! lalalas . got a bit nervous barh . hehs . reach home , eat my medicine and SLEEP ! sleep 3 hours then wake up , iron my uniform , bath , eat dinner , online online online and watch drama ! =D so this is my GLOOMY SUNDAY ~

12:09 AM
smile ?

wake up at 12+ ! erm . not enough for me barh ~ hahs . then brush teethie , eat my breakfast . =] online awhile , mama du snatch away my laptop cause she want book ticket . watch my drama awhile then go bath . after bath , go Kenyalang enjoy ice-cream ~ hmmm . after that go my grandmama's house . watch tv and chit chats wiv my uncle them . lalalas ~ 8+pm went Westwood have my dinner , awhile papa come also . then we eat till almost 10pm baru go home . BUT , me and mama go Boulevard kia kia awhile . hahs ! actually we go there borrow toilet niah . hehs . reach home around 11 ? then online online . lawls ! now is 1223am , i just bath ho barh . hehs . quite cold gerh ~ =P
when inside the car , hear tiok some love song
got abit feel want rain barh ~
lalalas !
but , everythings gonna be alright
hope so ?
today , i miss you damn much

Saturday, September 12 ,
3:13 PM
The Rose ♥    

Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love it is a hunger
And endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
And you its only seed
It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who can not seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose

Friday, September 11 ,
11:50 PM

here rain heavily
the feel really change jor ?
he has hurt by me damn deep !
i just can say sorry and comfirm wont have next time ~
i wont so easily du let it go
because i still love you ~

10:17 PM
hmmmmmm ..

aherm ~ mish my blogblog. =D okays . start my stories at ...
100909 ? that day have luar sidang , so go school early . meet him awhile du go class liao . then duno why i'm moody . lawls ! after that , saw his gan di di walk past my class and told me afta go find you . O.O then finish my luar sidang , du go find him at block 1 . lalalas ~ then peii him walk awhile , i du go back dewan le . that day have perhimpunan lurh ! hot seii me arh ! erksssss ~ after perhimpunan , go back class study study study ~ then back home ! bath , eat , tt ! i tears drop heavily at tt barh ~ sia soi chin ! Philip first time saw me cry and he duno want how . hahs . keep borrow tissue from other ppl and say maii kao liao maii kao liao . erm .. a bit funny larh ~ HAHA ! no one know wad's the reason i tears drop barh . hehs ! that SzeYing know half half niah . lawls ! then 10.10pm back ? early fang xue lurh , cause teacher was sick . wheeeeeeeeees ! H1N1 ! hahs .
today 110909 ~ wake up at 10+ ? brush my teethie , bath , and go Tabuan have my breakfast . =) after eating , go school ~ lalalas ! can't msg him barh ~ cause he bo charge the phone ! yiishh ~ but nvm narh . x) keep writing this and that for him , and scolding ppl barh . Clement say today i eat tiok boom , keep on scolding ppl . sorry lurh ! =P when recess , borrow SingYee's phone awhile then take the letter to Yen . =D then then , when Math lesson , Cassandra planning to buang tong sampah . just walk out niah , du let GGK catch back to class barh . HAHS ! laugh till peng arh ~ i keep on suan her . lalalas ~ hehs . funny funny . 5.15pm HOME !

i'm sorry and i know i hurt you damn much !
at first , i really though we'll end and everythings will over
but now , i duno wad will happen next second
haiish ! i just can say SORRY to you
and i really you , my darling ~

Wednesday, September 9 ,
6:52 PM
i mish my man !

wooooooots ! i've 2 days bo blogging liao . lalalas ! hrm ~ everyday doing the same thg . wake up , bath , eat , go school . reach school , find him , walk wiv him awhile , go bek class , then STUDY STUDY STUDY ! 5.15pm home sweet home ~ hahs ! kayssss ~ say bout wad happen today . =) after walk wiv him until the big door there , Maiimaii , ahgong , Belle come dewan find ppl . O.O then i saw maiimaii de new hairstyle ! wheeeeeeeeees ! it's nice barh ~ but she say like TB's . =.= and and , Maiimaii still said NicholeLee at kokboon ! but ke si i cant go find her . sadsad ! then i called ahgong : gong gong ! then he said : shy arh ~ aiyeeeeeeeeeer ! that time his face still make that paiseh de face gok . really betahan arh ! XD then i pinch his faceyy ~ =P after that , they du use bek door go home liao . lalalas ~ today feel damn tired , duno why ~ hahs . tonight must sleep early luuu ~ tomorow got luar sidang gok . sien si ! but can meet him early . hehs . x) i mish my man alots ! geeeeeeeeeeeesh ! =P

Sunday, September 6 ,
4:07 PM

wake up at 10 ! damn early for me . =D then go eat breakfast wiv mama and papa at premier 101 . O.O then eat ho liao , mama say want go here go there . but i just sit inside the car and wait for them . =) hrm ~ then bek home at 3 ? wash my shoes ! blahssssssss ~ then do my Sivik project , but not enough paper so bo continue do liao . hahs ! then then , i msg my nan ren ~ x) happy luuu . he`s damn tired lorh ~ today must rest early yarh ! =P

Saturday, September 5 ,
11:33 PM

ishhh ! i mish my chou nan ren so much ! =P

5:21 PM
♥ my nan ren damn much ~

lalalas ~ wake up at 7am ! damn sleepy lorh ~ reach skul around 8 ? go kok boon find Summer , awhile Maiimaii datang . but my nan ren hvn come find me gok , so i msg him ask him whr are him . he say he play bkb awhile . =.= not long , he use Chia Ming's phn called me and he reach kok boon liao . =) happyyyyyyy ~ then he go TangCheng wiv Ming sin , after that me and Summer them go there too . then they drink water awhile du go inner ~ x) online online ! then go bek TangCheng again , saw Bdon and Nicholas . O.O then me , Summer and seii Maii du go skul sin , then my man and Ming come skul also . we go class chit chatssss awhile then me and my man go another class pakto ! x) then we called Ming do our bodyguard . XD around 12 , Summer them come find us at 1E ? then i help my man wear shirt ! hehs ! =P then then , Nichole Lee come kuching high ! wheeeeeeeees ! maiimaii msg me said she find me , then i fast fast go dewan there find her . x) before she leave , she still give me and Maiimaii a goodbye kish narh ~ sweet die sweet die ! =P mish Nichole alots ! =D then 1pm , HOME SWEET HOME ! before leave , i din see tiok him . =(
你是我今生最爱的最爱 !
i love you more then last time .

Friday, September 4 ,
7:48 PM
sleepy !

blusssssssssss ! today Yen bo go skul , so bo phone can msg him . =( nvm ! tomorow i gonna meet him ! hehs . happy die ! =P hrm ~ today quite boring gerh . and damn sleepy ! tonight gonna sleep early and tomorow wake up early . =D hehs . i mishhhh my man alotsssss ! blerk ! x)

Thursday, September 3 ,
11:10 PM
lalalas !

i think my slp piggiesss is doing his sweet dream le gua ~ hehs . slp tight yarh my lovely hubby ! =P just came back from tuition . that Stella like siaw cha bo anehh . keep saying she and Bernard de thg . Phewwww ~ ho choi i chg my place din sit wiv her . hrm ~ today have luar sidang , i get 48% for my PM ! not bad no bad . =D then after luar sidang go find him then study study study . okayssss ~ i`ve fail my SEJ ! wakao ~ i got go tuition lurh . ppl tembak will pass , i tembak wnt pass de . wth ! 5.15pm HOME SWEET HOME ! =)
i`ll do a damn good de wifeyy for you
only for you AlisterThenYangTu ~
my heart just belongs to you !
you`re M.I.N.E and i`m Y.O.U.R.S

Wednesday, September 2 ,
9:42 PM

i pass my BM and KH ! wheeeeeeeeeeeees ! happy chinnnnnnnn ~ hrm ... just now Maiimaii msg me and said i din have daiidaii liao . =( sad sad ! haiishhh .. is maiimaii want break gerh ~ =( haiishhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! they tgt almost want one year liao lurh ~ but , dn care maiimaii do wad choosen , i still will support maiimaii de narh . if she happy , i also will happy =)

remember wad you have promise me
i really love you ~

Tuesday, September 1 ,
8:58 PM
forgive and forget ~

wooooooooooots ! i just finish watching my Spongebob Squarepants and my english correction . hehs . tamade ! my math just left 1 mark du pass arhhhhh ~ seii ggk du dn give me 1 mark de borh ! yiiishhh ! hate her hate her ~ then my chinese get 69% ! the most highest in my classsss ~ =D my english get 61% ! hrm ~ hai hao narh . hahs . my BM .... errrr ~ duno how much gok , cause duno how to count the marksss . XD my GEO get 37% !!!!! keep begging teacher give me extra 3 marks . blussssssssss ~ do day dream barh . then when almost PJ , my finger get cut by something but i duno is wad . lawls ! its bleeding and painful barh ~ now quite okiessss le . =D my SC get 59% ! i pass my SC !!! wheeeeeeeeeeeees ! happy chin ~ teacher will give me 1 marks then is 60% ! hehs . thanks teacher ! love seii you ! mwak mwak ~ x)
i`ll try to forgive and forget .
dn make me angry you , this is the last chance .