Fuck, off.
Tell me I'm yours <3
250409. ♥

Yiinz Chin

Create Your Badge

Monday, August 31 ,
10:30 PM

wake up at 12+ ? lawls . den go Tabuan have my breakfast ! xD den mama go find aunty awhile then go kenyalang drink water . then go green gallery , mama bought alotssss of thg arh . cause there have sales and today is the last day . go back home rest awhile du go Spring ! so long bo go there luuuuu ~ then 9+ go eat moi at open air . O.O reach home bath , online online then slp ! XD

Sunday, August 30 ,
11:26 PM
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees !

finally i`m back ! hehs . damnnnnn tired lorh ~ but still have alotssss fun ~ =D i left my small size Patrick starfish at my aunty`s home . sad sad ! ): but nvm narh ~ gonna get back when i saw my aunty ~ wooootssss ! yesterday morning bought a large-size spongebob ! =D love it love it ! hehs . damnnnn tired now . gonna sleep earlyyyy ~ O.O

Friday, August 28 ,
11:59 PM
spongy spongy spongy !

lalalas ! now at Miri again . =.= hehs . just now go shopin shopin nerh ~ i bought spongebob squarepants`s dvd ! happy seii arhhhh ~ hehs . and i buy a Patrick starfishhhh ! wheeeeeeeeeees ! happy chinnnn ! love it so damn muchieeee ~ mwarkssss ! but love my hubby most . xP okaysssss ~ Sunday i`ll back kuching ! finally arhhhh ~ XD dn so mishhh me wor ~ i`ll be back soon ! =)

Thursday, August 27 ,
2:37 PM
because you love me ♥

hrm ~ daiidaii and maiimaii on bek luuuuu ! wheeeeeeeeeeeees ! happy die happy die ~ =D just now i said this to daiidaii : 爱情会因为人的改变而改变 ~ aduuhhh ! duno why suddenly said this to daiidaii . lawls ! see tiok others couple so sweet then mine de le ? =( dn think too much narh ! =/

Tuesday, August 25 ,
2:27 PM
sadsad ! =(

kaysssss ~ me and ahzhou de thg finally settle jor ~ woootssssss ! still have 6days du school reopen lurh ~ hehs . happy happy ! but just now go view maiimaii de blogblog , saw her new post . =( maiimaii must cheer up o ~ luaiiluaii wont leave you alone de . we promised before , right ? haiishhh ! i think i really v damn shi bai lurh ~ he liao jie me more then i liao jie him
lurh ~ ='( sad chin ! maiimaii and daiidaii de thing makes me damn moody and sad ! i cant help maiimaii anything ~ just can comfort her niah . haiishhh ~ i`ll more appreciate my lovely hubby and everythings le ~ cause i dnwan feel regret when someday i lose them .
him damn much !

Monday, August 24 ,
2:53 PM
dumdum !

wooootsssss ~ change newwiee blogskins =) got my lovely patrick at there ~ =D i think it`s nice ! xP blusssssss ~ i mishhh him damn muchieee ! still got 6days school then reopen lorh ~ haiishhh ~ hope time past faster abit . XD hrm ~ suddenly i feel that i`ve change jor ~ not last time de ChinYinYin liao . =X sienz chinnnn ! hate it !

9:28 AM

lalalas ~ at uncle`s office now . =D wake up at 7+am O.O piggy flying luuuu ~ XD feel damn tiredddddd ! hehs .
okayssss , wanna write something to her : i know ~ we own a blog to express our feeling and write it out ~ but you keep saying i hurt tiok you , but did you think bout you hurt me too ? i know i din have `zi ge` go say or care you guys de thg , but you like that write him as `someone` just same like i write you as SOMEONE like that , you will happy marh ? you love your man , i also love my man too ~ if i write zhougong as `someone` and i say him like that , you will happy ? it`s the same ~

Saturday, August 22 ,
6:43 PM

no one force u go to the tuition ! he go there sin de ! you can choose dont go ! he also dont like to go cause SOMEONE also got go !

6:36 PM

guess wad !? i at Miri now ! hahs . will update my blogblog when i`m freeeeee ~ mishhh my frenfren alotsssss !
♥ him and mishhh him most muchieeeee !

Wednesday, August 19 ,
9:59 PM

i know today i din care tiok ur feeling , but i`m sorry ~ somethings really change jor , but you din feel it . haiiishhh ! i din blame you , just blame myself . hope everything gonna be alright and we`ll recover soon ~
i you . forever and ever
i dont care wad happen between us , just hope you wont leave me

Tuesday, August 18 ,
9:33 PM

EXAM EXAM EXAM ! but i din hav any stresssss ~ hahs . good good ! hrm ~ recently , nth happen narh . can go skul early , then RUN to cnc . Ngehehehe ! yesterday use bek door go in skul den RUN to cnc then late go in skul ki . ): then stand at dewan thr . so many times liao lorh ~ awhile is lewat perhimpunan , awhile is late to skul . FARK ! hate it ~ so sia soi lorh . giv ppl say this say that niah . And and , i dnwan make him feel sia soi narh ~ always siaw siaw at skul , already make him sia soi liao , nw still always stand at thr gok . haiiishhhhhhhh ! nowadays we damn cold ! when msg wiv him at skul or at tt , sometime he v late reply or slp ki . yiiiishhhh ! our distance become v far ki , i duno why or wad reason . haiiishhhh ! maybe he din feel that we cold jor but i feel it ~ yiiishhhhhhhhhhhh ! i HATE CHIN.YIN.YIN ! damn hate you !

Sunday, August 16 ,
6:35 PM

lalalas ! i`m back ~ hehs . overnite at ahma house . wake up saw mama them go out , du msg him ! hehs . msg half day lorh ~ hehs . tomorow gonna meet him again . blerk ! mishhhh him alotssss ~ super duper damn mishhh lorh ! haiishhhh . time past faster abit , then i du can meet him liao . =P him so damn muchhhh ! he`s mine he`s mine he`s mine ! i`m Mrs.Then ! =P

Tuesday, August 11 ,
8:32 PM
short and simple ~

wooootsssss ~ someone complain i so long bo blogging liao ! =D lazyyy marh ~ hehs . today have a small and tinyyy de quarrel wiv him . xP but awhile niah , du good bek liao . blusssss ~ hehs . when recess , stay at class copy thgsss den Qing come my class . O.O after copy thgsss , phn him (: bell ring we du end up the phn , then he go ongong i du continue study luuu . damn boring narh ! when PJ , din hav chg cloths cus lazyyy so help Cassandra washh brain (: then we bo msg , cus he`s slping ! slp piggiessss arhhhh ~ XD ! love my sha sha de la0g0ng damn much narh ! although today got quarrel , but nvm narh ~ everything gonna be alright ! hehs .

Friday, August 7 ,
10:31 PM

lalalas ! damn lazy to blogging . blusssssss ~ today go school damn early . tell mama i go science extra class , but i didnt go . =X i go find him . hehs . xP take ahma de name tag for ahgong then walk to canteen with Stella . then TockErn muii told me he just walk past go toilet niah , then i du saw him liao . XD ! called him go back class sin , then afta i go his class find him . just go in his class not long niah , his frensss du say teacher come liao . yiiishhhh ! then we din pakto tiok ): sadsad ! then we use back door go Tang Cheng . hehs . call him help me take my bag . XD ! damn funny lorh ~ we two keep argue lai argue ki . xP then Kylie piak my piku . painpain lorh ~ erks . saw zhougong ! XD then go TangCheng with Kim Hua , cause KimHua bring me walk past the road . go there so boring lorh ~ chit chatsss with him then awhile KimHua come , awhile daiidaii come , awhile his frensss come , awhile his korkor come . =.= punteng he want call his korkor bring me to school , but i dnwan . xP i called him put me at CnC down then i walk to school with frenssss . then saw daiidaii at CnC , borrow phn from him then walk to school with frenssss . at school study , msg him , mishhh him and dreaming . bell ring , HOME SWEET HOME ! (:
today bo eat tiok ice-cream , even sweet also bo eat tiok lorh ):
sadsad !
but nvm narh ~
still got many times gok !
my sha sha de laogong damn much !
just you only !
mwuarks mwuarks !

Tuesday, August 4 ,
11:40 PM
♥ lalalas !

blusssssssssssssss ~ reach school saw him , kim hua and chia ming sitting at canteen there eating =.= then chat with them awhile , he du go rokok with chia ming , left me and kim hua at canteen . then kim hua saw me use the same botol with him and asked me why i use the same botol with him . XD ! almost want 12:45pm , walk to block 1 with kim hua . then bell ring , they fang xue liao . his teacher sooooo damn loso lorh ~ wait his teacher walk away liao , we go his class pakto awhile i du go back dewan luuuu . when go back class study , i keep feel that i got abit bo feeling with him ki . O.O then i told him i got abit bo feeling with him ki cus i bo "an quan gan" cus we didnt have on back , i though we`re still FRIENDS . then he said if we bo on back , why want pakto lerh ? wooootssssssssss ! that means we ... ! XD that time really v damn happy lorh ~ hahs ! he say me cute because of my thking =.= i`m not cute narh ~ hehs . then he called me ben ben de ~ then i also called him sha sha de ~ he asked me why i called him sha sha de ? then i said because you like tiok a ben ben de cha bo marh ~ XD ! when fang xue , mama say go kuching festival buy food then go ahma house . O.O eat till so full lorh ~ want kiam puii liao ! xP hehs . then go back home at 9 , copy thgsss and online ! and hor , the seii nyamuk keep bite my leg de borh ! then i scold the nyamuk BO KA SI ! mama heard it and said : nvm larh , donate some blood for it lorh and the nyamuk du cannot study , how got ka si ? i du said i teach the nyamuk lorh , teach free de arh ~ then mama hear liao laugh till peng =.= funny merh ? erks ! then i keep find the nyamuk and i hit seii the nyamuk ! XD ! then i clap my hand because i hit seii the nyamuk liao (: hehs . now i start to play facebook . nyaidddd ! play till my head big arhhh ! duno how to play lorh ! but nvm larh , man man lai ~ hehs . my sha sha de dar laogong ! xP you forever and ever ! Mwuarks mwuarkssssssss ~

Saturday, August 1 ,
7:00 PM
saturday again (:

woooooootsssss ! saturday again nerh . hehs . reach school around 8 . meet summer darlingssss at dewan den she pull me go tang cheng eat breakfast . so i didnt meet him at the canteen ): on-da-way to tang cheng , saw Kelvin and suan him suan tiam tiam . hehs . reach tang cheng saw kim hua at there then awhile he come tang cheng with chia ming . chit chatsss with them and wait summer eat finish du go inner . they play games then me and summer du play facebook . XD ! funny chinnnnn ~ summer and kim hua hit lai hit ki damn funny lorh ! hehs . then i make aloysius and his gf quarrel . xP sorry Aloy~ but at-the-end they also good back liao marh . hehs . then go CnC with summer buy sweetsss den go school . he and chia ming though we already at school liao . XD ! then when pakto with him at class , saw a mother is scolding her son . she slap her son and use the penyapu throw him lorh ~ so cek ak . his mother said he bring her phn to school and make lost ki , but her son said he didnt bring her phn to school . aduhhh ~ me and him so kolian lorh ~ cannot pakto ki . then we walk lai walk ki walk to 2H . called Gerald and SzeYing babehhh go out the class for 5minutes , cause that time my car almost want come le . then we pakto inside the class then awhile me du go home liao . hrm ~ somethingssss happened but dnwan to say it out nerh . =X so shhhhhhh ! diam diam du ho . i kno you kno du ho . XD ! i dnlike you keep think tiok last time de thg nerh . i want you start a new life with me ! hehs . i promised you wont leave you du si wont leave you and you also cannot leave me wor ~ so maii scare i`ll chg my heart or what narh ~ i just my dar laogong AlisterThenYangTu !