Fuck, off.
Tell me I'm yours <3
250409. ♥

Yiinz Chin

Create Your Badge

Thursday, July 30 ,
11:23 PM

hrm ~ lazy to update my blog nerh . hehs . i think i fat jor TT i told him that i thk i fat ki . he du said fat ur head arh . =.= always like to say my head de borh . erks . really got fat jor marh . he du say so thin where got fat ki ? but it`s really got barh ~ yiiishh . dont care narh . i say got du got . hehs . xP today go school early for my luar sidang . reach school , go dewan saw ahgong . called ahgong peii me go 3G . den saw him slping =.= den he wake , we chat at he window thr and he hugsss me (: Yen forget bring phone to school for me . den when perhimpunan , keep asking ppl got bring phone borh ? got use tiok borh ? nyaidddd ~ hate to beg ppl for something lorh ~ but nevermind narh . hehs . den recess go canteen makan . xP den bell ring , go sc lab do peka experiment =.= my group just got me , cassandra and clement niah . teacher called our group is 3C ! XD ! keep fold my paper so din do tiok the experiment . hehs . when BM fold my paper and chit chatss with my gang ! PJ teacher bo come ): so Cikgu Jade come in and give us a stupid Math Ujian Topical . duno how to do so keep asking Clement for the answer . XD ! den GEO so boring arh ! just msg with him and chatsss with my frenssss . den i always asked myself today got tt harh ? XD ! 6:20pm HOME.SWEET.HOME ! go ahma house , pompom mumum den go tt . msg him and call him (: so happy nerh ~ today we bo quarrel wor . =D hope everyday can like today like this . hehs . and and , this Sat got gerko wor ~ =X shhhhhhh.... hehs . today he say he damn mishhh me nerh . xP so paiseh arh ~ hahs . my laogong so damn muchhhhh ! mwuarks mwuarks !

Tuesday, July 28 ,
11:29 PM

writin this with my tears ... i`m sorry dar ~ i duno why i`ll always cincai thk and make myself moody ... maybe just like u say de , we both v scr each other will leave us ... but i still will go thk den make us quarrel ... TT i reli dnwan we quarrel ... start from we break till now , we always quarrel ... although at the end , we will good back but i still will go thk it and quarrel again ... i always dream tiok u chg heart ... i cnt forget the dream ... i kno it`s just a dream but sometime dream also will come true ... i not mean dat i dn belive u ... i 100% v v v belive u ... but , haiish ...... i reli duno want how ... i`m sorry i din care tiok ur feeling ... i`m sorry i go cincai thk again ... i`m sorry for everythg ..... TT

10:28 PM

today reach skul late , so cnt see tiok him ): when at dewan , i go find Megan den she give me his phn and his name tag ! (: happy lorh ~ happy till hugsss Megan arh . XD ! den go back class , fast fast on the phn with Sze Ying de sim card but got pin code =.= half day cnt msg him lorh ~ erks ! den when recess time , run to 2C find her and ask for the pin code . hehs . den Megan said want chg uniform with me du go toilet chg lorh . den he say me siaw siaw cus chg uniform with Megan ): den after promise him wnt siaw siaw again liao , du fast fast chg back the uniform le . when SC go sc lab , so boring lorh ~ bell ring , go home ! mama kinda late come so go the kopitiam thr wait her . kepo gong give me a lollipop lerh . den duno why that Ivor Lim come out from the school wor , and keep see us lorh . siaw de ~ today mood not so good . i duno why also . blussssssss !!!!

Monday, July 27 ,
11:18 PM
Happy Birthday to Marian Jeeeeeeeee ! ♥

reach skul , saw Qing ! O.O she tiok gantung nerh ~ haiish ! cnt see her for 3days and i`ve no phn to msg him for 3days ): sadsad ! den bell ring , RUN to block 1 den Zhern told me he ponteng . that time got a bit angry lorh ~ cus he promised me wnt ponteng liao marh . den du go dewan alone . saw maiimaii , ahgong them O.O sing happy birthday song to maiimaii ! hehs . and hugsssss maiimaii too ! (: whole day so boring lorh ~ when recess , go block 3 chit chats with Megan . den when we walk back to class , we saw Wendy is crying at the notice board thr du asked her wad happen ? she said Nigel`s head was hit by the table and his head is bleeding . Nyaiddddd ~ reli v gelik lorh . from block 6 till pejabat all is his blood arh . den teacher not allow we see so i walk to canteen buy drinks den go back class lorh . whole day keep thkin wad he doin now , got mishh me borh ? got see or talk with other cha bo borh ? haiish ! den when fang xue , saw kim hua them at back door , kim hua give me candyssss (: den ms wee them saw Leon them at the back door thr . Leon de knife leave at back door thr lorh . awhile Ah Onn wanna go take it but dy gone ki . maybe is teacher take away liao . nyaidddd . maybe teacher got saw me , kim hua them lorh . dn care narh . see tiok du see tiok lorh ~ i du bo do wrong thg . hehs . xP
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to maiimaii
Happy Birthday to you ~
♥ Marian Jee forever and ever !
mwuarks mwuarks ~

Sunday, July 26 ,
6:02 PM
boring sunday . i mish u alotssss !

wake up at 11+am . woootssss ~ quite early for me . hehs . wash my shoes and pompom den go out mumum . saw Damien and Crystal O.O the weather is damn hot ! so after mumum , we go home liao . XD ! reach home du online whole day . chg my blog skins chg till pek cek ! erks . but after chg ho liao , du wnt le . XD ! mish u damn much nerh ~ i mish YESTERDAY ! xP hehs .

12:31 AM
tagged (:

Pick 5 Girls :
Pick 5 Guys :
6.AisterThenYangTu ♥
10.ChaiKimHua =.=
How did u meet each person ?
1.primary best frenssss till now .
2.classmates and best frenssss 7 years
3.erm . from VoonLeeWee ? forget !
4.from Megan
5.from my dearest ahgong . XD !
6.erm . from ChaiKimHua ?
7.from Qing (:
8.from SusanLim xP
9.from MarianJee ~
10.FORGET ! (x
What would you do if no.2 came to you and told you she was pregnant and no.9 was the father ?( ShaniceTay & LeonardTeo )
Ohh-My-Goshhh . ahgong will go kill him sin . XD !
Is no.1 your best friend ? ( MarianJee )
nope , she`s my maiimaii (:
What is no.6 to you? ( AlisterThenYangTu ♥ )
My lovely dar laogong ! mwuarks ! ♥
Have you ever thought about having sex with any of them ?
Never and ever ! gilaaaa ~
Which guy and girl do you think you can trust the most ?
MarianJee & AlisterThenYangTu ♥
What would you do if no.3 & no.10 hooked up ? (SusanLim & ChaiKimHua )
erm . bueh cai nerh ~ XD !
List 5 names that u would tag .
Does No. 1 love No. 2 ?
as mama and faiifaii de love =D
Do you think number 2 and 3 would look good together ?
Nuuu ~
What do you think of No. 3 ?
Siawwww cha bo . XD !
Would you love No. 4 ?
yeshhh ! as frensss de love marh ~
What do you think if 4 and 5 are together ?
bo ko neng narh . they duno each other =.=
Do u miss No.5 ?
Yeshhhh ~ but i mish my dar more (:
What do you want to say to No. 3 the most ?
ben ben de ! xP
What do hate about No. 1 the most ?
bueh cai ~
What do you love most about No. 2 ?
duno nerh . everythg ? XD !
What are you listening to now ?
N.O.T.H.I.N.G ! (:
What is the time now ?
What had u done today ?
go skul , meet him , eat ice-cream and hugssss !
Who was your last call from and why ?
ChaiKimHua . i duno , cus that time i was slping !
Who was your last message from ?
Michelle darlinggg .
Favourite fast-food chain ?
duno nerh ~
You would die without ?
my laogong !
You are a football fan of ?
Chin Yin Yin ! XD !!
Your favourite perfume ?
i dn use perfume ~
You like guys/girls who smoke ?
erm . hai hao narh . XD
List 5 things you wanna do before you die ?
-kahwin with him at 22 years old !
-have baby with him ? XD !
-mish him everyday !

Saturday, July 25 ,
11:46 PM

Today go skul for my gerko (: reach skul du saw ChiaMing and YikZhern . den asked them whr`s HIM ? they say he bo come wor . Nyaidddd ~ dat time my tears almost want come out lorh . den go Kok Boon find maiimaii them , ChiaMing and YikZhern go Tang Cheng . den suddenly ChiaMing called me said he`s coming ~ woootsssss ! den i heard KimHua want go Tang Cheng also , du called him bring me past the road . den go Tang Cheng wait him (: Den not long , he come liao ! so happy lorh ! den fast fast call Alan go other place sit den call him sit beside me . blehssss ! den maiimaii du go bek home with Belle . den Summer du say she chia us go Aroma eat thgsss . eat liao , du go inner ~ he play his gamess den me and Summer huat siaw . XD ! today i bo bring moneyyy and i use his money buy water wor . O.O i nvr use LAOGONG de money buy thgsss before nerh . xP den Summer go home liao , left me satu cha bo niah . Thean SISTA and Alan go Kok Boon drink water . Me with my darlingsss and Yik Zhern go TangCheng sit =.= den go KokBoon , saw Leon . he v bo mood and pek cek anehhh . so i not dare talk so much to him . XD den i go school with YikZhern . den few minutes , he come school also (: den we at 2G sitsit . hehs . den ..................... got many thgssss happen arh ~ but someone say cnt write it out lerh . hehs . so i cnt write luuu . xP he say he`s SINGLE , but he got FAMILY ! xP me also SINGLE barh ~ but horh , me got FAMILY ! blehsssss ~ today i tears drop at his shirt nerh . aduhhh ~ so shameshame arh . xP but he promise me wnt leave me alone liao (: he tell ChiaMing he 24 years old kahwin , must come orh ~ XD ! i wanna kahwin with AlisterThenYangTu when i`m 22 years old ! i wanna be his wifeyy , dear , laopo forever and ever ! i wnt leave him alone and he wnt leave me too ~ i want to be the only one in ur heart ! i ♥ you with my true heart ! iReli♥YOU ! Mwuarkssss ! (:

Friday, July 24 ,
12:30 AM
i ♥ you !

Happy 3rd month anniversary to AlisterThenYangTu and ChinYinYin !
blehsss ~ today reach skul liao , go canteen find my frensss den go block 1 find him . playin Jefferson de magic ball and tokin with him at the window thr . hehs . he asked Yik Zhern his wei lai laopo call wad name , but Yik Zhern dnwan say . XD ! funny chin lorh ~ awhile the bell ring liao , i du go to class for my luar sidang le ): den du say byesss to him du go class for my luar sidang luuu . den when luar sidang till half , he walk past my class nerh . so happy arh ~ XD ! bell ring , i RUN to his class . den saw tiok his class still got teacher , du go find ahzhou sin . den the teacher come out liao , du fast fast go in his class and he was inside ! den i du go in the class , and ..... maii tell u guys . xP so happy nerh ~ super duper damn happy arh ~ he`s my laogong ! my hubby ! my lovely dar ! my future laogong ! and i`m his laopo ! his wifeyy ! his lovely dear ! his future laopo ! xP i dnwan leave my dar and dnwan he leave me too ~ i`ll be with him forever and ever ! (:
i you !
ChinYinYin AlisterThenYangTu !

Wednesday, July 22 ,
9:05 PM

blussssss ~ ytd nites slp at 9PM ! early chinnnn aaa . xD cus tooo tired liao . hahs ! hrm ~ ytd soooo happy nerh . super duper damn happy narh . but i dnwan tell u guys . xP today reach skul , go block 1 find him . punteng i want hughug geh , but he dnwan ): nvm narh . it`s okiess de . hehs . when at class , i keep count still got how long du 12am horh . hehs . cus tmr is ..... maii tell u guys sin . xP hehs . tmr den tell u guys wad is the day of tmr (: end here barh . i thk tmr i`ll got many thgsss to write de . xP
i`m Mrs.Then ! =D
HIM forever and ever !

Monday, July 20 ,
10:56 PM

wooootssssssssss ! today ChinYinYin sangat happyyyyyyyyy aaaa ! blekssss ! cus her lovely darlingggg laogong hugssss her and mwahs her face nerh ~ xP today reach skul saw Megan and called her peii me go block 1 . den she wait for her ahB , i wait for my ahTu . XD den bell ring , i go in 3H sin , hugssss my ahzhou lw saw kimhua . asked him whr`s Alister ? he said at class thr le . den wait him at 3H class outside . finally , i saw him ! den fast fast run to the front of him . hehs . den he hugssss me ! xP i reli reli hak tiok lo . cus his friends is seeing and so long we bo hughug luu ): before i say i want hughug , but he tak mahu nerh . but today he hugssss me ! =D so happy aaaaaaa ! den he still mwahs my face and i mwahs his face too . xP today sooooo happy nerh ! hehs . but when at tt we msg , i say can maii hiu other cha bo , especially XXXX . cus i reli dn like her nerh . always wanna use her ex and keke always find my hubby and ask this ask that . blusssssssss ~ see lw du sienz . yiiishhh ! i reli v scr someone will snatch him away from me nerh . i reli dnwan u leave me . i want u always be with me forever and ever .

Saturday, July 18 ,
10:17 PM

woots ! i ada tagged (:

If you are tagged, answer these 14 questions.
1. Besides your lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?
Ermmm . maii tell u . xP
2.How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
Tired , wanna slp back again (:
3.Who was the last person/people you took a photo with ?
Hrm ~forget jor (x
4.Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
Nuuuuu ~
5.Will you ever donate blood ?
Nope =/
6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?
Yeaps .
7.Do you want someone to be dead ?
Nopesssss (:
8.What does your last text message say ?
O.o nvm
9.What are you thinking right now ?
Muffin !
10.Do you want someone to be with you now ?
Yeshhhh ! My hubby ! (:
11.What was the time you went to bed last night ?
12+am ?
12.Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
Hrm ~ forget jor xP
13.Is someone on your mind right now ?
14.10 CREATURES to do this quiz .THIS IS an ORDER !
(1)Marian Jee [ pigmaii ] (:
(2)Shanice Tay [ ahma ] (x
(3)Susan Lim [ ahzhou ] (=
(4)Ally Chiam [=
(5)Leonard Teo [ OLD uncle ]
(6)Leonard Sim
(7)Pris alienz
(8)Jeffrey [ zhougong ]
(10)Megan =D
15.Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
16.Is no. 3 a male or a female?
Female (:
17.If no.7 and no.1 get together, would it be good ?
Ermmm . Nopesss !
18.What is no.1 studying about ?
study bout KhoChungJin =D
19.When was the last time you chatted with them ?
Hrm ~ long long time ago . xD
20.Is no. 4 single ?
Nuuuuu ~
21.Say something about no.2.
I`m ur kepo luaii . (:
22.What do you think about no. 2 and no. 6 being together?
Ohh-My-Goshhh ! tak boleh narh ~
23.Describe no.9.
Hrm ~ quite credik geh
24.What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight?
Wootssss ! they wnt fight de narh . peace peace !
25.Do you like no.8?
O.O like ~ cus he`s my zhougong mahhh . xD
*~THE END ~*

Friday, July 17 ,
11:31 PM

wake up at 11+am online pompom mumum go skul . take phn from Qing msg HIM but no reply . whole day no mood tears drop . wad happen between us ? cold jor . reli v v v cold jor . ahgong said anythg du must ask must say , if not more easy break . haiishhhhhhhhhh ! ):

Monday, July 13 ,
11:22 PM

Woooooots ! so many days bo blogging lw . XDDD lazy mah . xP hehs . hrm ~ everyday go skul hope can meet tiok HIM (: den afta meet HIM lw , du brw phn from Qing and msg with HIM . =D soooo HAPPY nerh ! ytd say tiok HE dnlike de thg ): HE angry ahhhh . haiish ! Sorry dar ~~~ wnt say it again le (: hehs . today reach skul go block 1 den go 3H sin . go hugssss ahzhou sin ! xP promise ahzhou de thg , du will do it de . hehs . den go find my hubby ! (: den i say i want hughug , but he dnwan wor ): cus at skul mah , cnt cincai lai lw . XDD when recess , bought a new pj shirt =) hehs . today teach Cassandra and Stella fold ♥ with paper . nyaidddddd ! so hard to teach lo . hehs . but still teach finish narh . xP today hubby say 我爱你老婆~ to ChinYinYin wor !!!!! see lw this msg started ki siaw lw ! cus toooo happy lw mah . xP 我也爱你老公~ 我非常非常爱邓仰土!他是我陈盈盈的!没有人可以从我的身边抢走他!

Thursday, July 9 ,
11:24 PM

Today reach skul at 11:45pm . though can meet HIM and give HIM a big hugssss . den i saw Kim Hua , i ask him whr`s my hubby ? he said we bo yuan fen =.= he dy go back early cus he sick jor ): siiok siiok hubby ! den brw phn from kim hua and miss call HIM . xP he call back ! den i talk behind Kaunselling room lo . so ke si ! xD den he said he want injection lw , so we end the phn (: he say ai ni ai ni ai ni ! H.A.P.P.Y ! hehs . den zhun zhun ho Kim Hua come back from toilet du give back his phn . Saw Summer calling me at her class . Du walk to her class with Kim Hua . den chit chat with pigmaii and summer at the window thr . Woots ! bell ring , brw phn from pigmaii den go class for luar sidang and msg HIM ! hehs . den finish luar sidang , give back pigmaii her phn den du started perhimpunan . si beh boring ! finish perhimpunan , brw phn from Qing and msg HIM (: den when Sej , i on off the phn den teacher walk past O.O so gin tio lo . teacher take away the phn and call me 5:50pm go take from him . Blusssss ~ ho choi bo rampas diao lo . den when recess , saw Leon and Kim Hua sitting at the dewan . Go find them and brw phn from them
call HIM ! but i half talk with HIM half talk to Leon . den he du say u go play laaa du kap diao the phn lw ): den i keep scold Leon why talk with me . den after 5:50pm , fast fast go take phn from teacher and msg HIM . den past letter to Ah Yen du go ahma house pompom , mumum and tt . reach tt msg HIM again . xD den we good back lw . he say me loso like a ahma =.= erks ! suan liao . mish HIM so damn muchieee ! punteng want give HIM a hugssss de le . but he go back early . so sad ): but nvm ~ at least we got msg gok . xP i cinta HIM so much !!!

Wednesday, July 8 ,
10:43 PM
our ♥ last long forever

AlisterThenYangTu ; ChinYinYin 250409 their ♥ begin (:

250409 we together ♥ 260409 we married ! (:

10:26 PM

Today reach skul , go dewan find ppl peii me go block 1 . Although i kno he din come , but i still want go his class see got or not . Blehssss ! den saw ahgong , call him peii me go . den go thr , bell ring , ahgong go take bag . pigmaii and belle come block 1 . den chit chat awhile . some ppl go in 3G some standing outside O.O den i du walk to 3G thr , but belle called me dn go . but i still go . hahaha ! den i open the window and i saw Ly**n . O.O gin tio chin lo ! den fast fast close diao . XDD den awhile , pek hoong come and she open the window . kim hua call her close the window but she say dnwan . den kim hua shout her and call her close the window , and she shout back kim hua and say dnwan . den kim hua du take his bag come out the class du walk away lw . den i du go back dewan luuu . behcai wad happen nerh . so gin tio lo . 1st time saw kim hua so angry ahhhh . den after recess , brw phn from Qing (: MSG HIM ! happy happy happy ! hehs . tmr i`m gonna meet him ! blehsssss ! hehs . mish HIM so much ! HIM so much ! iLy ! iMy ! iNy !

Tuesday, July 7 ,
11:03 PM

Today reach skul late cus papa late pick me go skul take report card so cnt meet tiok him ): but nvm . cus when recess saw Bdon them . den i brw phn from Bdon and call him (: dat time he at bathroom wanna pompom =.= hehs . den he call me laopo ~~~~~ XDDD so happy lo ! den whole day keep shout " i`m Mrs Then ! i my hubby ! my hubby is AlisterThenYangTu ! . XDDDD SO DAMN HAPPY !
i`m Mrs.Then !
my hubby is Alister Then Yang Tu !
i`m HIS wifeyyyy ~
no one can snatch ME away from HIM , and no one can snatch HIM away from ME also
i HIM damn muchieee !
mwahs mwahs mwahs ~!!!!!!

Monday, July 6 ,
10:07 PM

Today si beh happy lo ! wake up at 9+am , pompom , go out mumum den go skul . reach skul , saw Megan den wanna go find her . mana ehcai seii Puan Kueh at thr and she catch Sing Yee`s socks den she catch mine also den follow her go pejabat . hahaha ! just left 1 socks niah . she du give Sing Yee den she du call me go back dewan . Zhun zhun ho bell ring ! run so fast go block 1 ahhh ! den i saw HIM !!!! SO HAPPY AHHHH (: And i keep say : call me dear lw ! faster lw ~ XDD ! den i call him siiok siiok me gok =D So happy ahhhhhhhhhh ! Nvr so happy before lo ~ hehs . i Mish u damn much , u kno ? hehs . den just nw go tt , fast fast msg him (: den i call him when take five =D hear tiok his sound ! happy ahhhhh !!!! hehs . xP Den i ask him 邓仰土先生,请问你愿意娶陈盈盈小姐做为你的未来老婆,不管生老病死,富贵贫穷都会对她不离不弃,照顾她,爱护她,直到生命结束的那一刻. den he said 我愿意 . XDD ! SO HAPPY !!!! Den he ask me 你勒? i said 我非常愿意 !! xP Today at skul , i keep told everyone 我要娶AlisterThenYangTu回家 ! hehs . i reli will do dat , if he dnwan me . xP Hehs . den i ask him can wait me ? he say WILL . OMFG ! Reli si beh happy looooo .

Sunday, July 5 ,
11:01 PM

Just now bo su zo , du go see last time our chats log . Saw tiok sooooo many sentences and v v happy ahhhh ! den if i moody , i go see those sentences du ho lw (: hehs . Damn ! i those sentences alots ! 我陈盈盈也爱你邓仰土一辈子 !

i wan Chin Yin Yin b my wei lai lao po oni~~~~~
me is Chin Yin Yin de ppl liao o
thx laopo hlp me wash brain~ hehe
u is 1st gf will make me cincai thk ar~~
i no alow u like tis say my leng lui~
she is mine~~~~~~~~~
i dn care i jiu wan yin yin~
I love Chin Yin Yin forever too~~~~~~~~~~~

6:41 PM

last night see SOUTH PARK ! (: saw him online , we use personal msg chat =.= chat till 1+am slp . wake up at 12.15pm O.O den mama sick jor ): go tabuan jaya mumum den go Kenyalang buy medicine and i bought stickers ! (: den go country side market and choice daily buy thgs . msg megan ask her at home or not , but she bo reply cus she slping =.= den reach home wash socks den online (: time past so fast ! hehs . hope tmr can see tiok u when u fang xue . but sometimes u ponteng or u use back door le . haiish ! ): mish u so much arhhhhhhhhhhh !

Saturday, July 4 ,
7:58 PM

wake up at 9 , go mumum with mama , go ahma house den go home . whole day eat , online and MISS YOU ! reli v v v v v v v v miss you nerh ! haiish . everytime when i miss u , i du will thk tiok last time our sweet memories . reli v miss it ! sometimes i`ll thk if time can turn back , i hope we`re not friends . if we`re not friends , we du wnt like each other . if we wnt like each other du wnt tgt become couple . if we din tgt become couple , we du wnt tiok teacher catch , u du wnt tiok ahfu hit , u du no need have so many stress . but thgs dy happen jor , times is wnt turn back anymore . so nw i`ll v appreciate u and u with my true heart . i dn care so much le . i`ll study hard and i`ll wait for u .
You`re my ex-laogong
my ex-dar
my ex-pigdadiie
my ex-hubby
and also my future HUBBY !
ChinYinYin AlisterThenYangTu

Friday, July 3 ,
10:46 PM

today feel not well but still go skul . when on da way go skul , i saw his car ! and i saw him (: though today whole day will v happy but nope . when rehat , feel hin hin wanna go hum . wanna brw phn from ppl , but no one brw me . i sit alone at canteen den i go 2G though ada org got bring phn . but no one have and no one hiu me . Megan and Ahb , Qing and Hilary at 2C pakto . i dnwan go thr , go thr for wad ? do bulb and give ppl say siaw . den bell ring , i still siting at 2G outside . Qing cum bek take her books and go SC lab . she saw me ask me " why ? u dnwan go bek class arh ? we goin SC lab wor . " like that wad mean ? want me get out from ur class harh ? den i v v sad and tears drop jor . cry till v tiam gok . everyone askin me wad happen to u , but i say nth . Gerald saw me cry till so tiam , ask me wad happen ? u want brw phn harh ? " he go ask ahB brw phn for me . but i dnwan use it , cus some reason . i reli dnlike beg ppl for sumthg arh ! i hate it ! i reli is beh tahan lw so i brw phn from ppl . haiish ! i lose everythg le ...... now i just left YOU le . please dn leave me . i reli need YOU ! ):

Thursday, July 2 ,
10:50 PM

Woots ! Today go skul early for luar sidang . Saw him ! damn happy de laa ~ Den not feel well . started flu ~ XD Den go luar sidang den go dewan for perhimpunan O.O Got a ang mo lang cum in our skul when perhimpunan ! hehs . den go bek class , go brw phn from ahgong for msg him ! he say me thin jor =.= whr got laa ? puii ki lo ~ everyday eat till full full arh . hehs . den recess go canteen beli tissue . go bek class take books den go SC lab . So borin lo . Half msg with him and half help Casey wash brain (: Dat`s my job . XD Den go bek class , give bek ahgong his phn . den PJ , go dewan dreaming . hehs . mishing him so damn much ! muahaha ~ den go bek class ongong . feel v v tired lo . den go ahma house . Today is my cousin bday . Happy bday to WongZheyHuay ! enjoy KFC , pompom , go tt . feel a bit not well , kinda hin hin anehh . hehs . den go hum , mama say i got a bit fever lw . O.O Mama say i tiok H1N1 arh ! WTF ! i dnwan le . erks . mama say if tmr still lidat , du bring me go see doctor lw . Oh-My-Gosh ! i takut see doctor laaa ~ TT

Wednesday, July 1 ,
11:18 PM

i`m so SORRY about that thg and i`ll chg . i reli duno will hurt u so much and so deep . i`m v v v SORRY bout that ): i promise u i wnt play till like this le . reli reli reli ! i hope u still trust me gok . at least da last time . plsssss ~ trust me the last time . i reli will chg de .