Fuck, off.
Tell me I'm yours <3
250409. ♥

Yiinz Chin

Create Your Badge

Tuesday, June 30 ,
11:07 PM

wake up at 9+ , cuci muka , pompom , go after3 makan den go skul . thk tiok last time we tgt de memories , i mish it ! xP reach skul , go block 1 thr , but not dare go find him . takut mah . den he walk away lw , i du go 3H . saw chia ming , he call me . den he say YOU got sumthg want him to told me . but he forget =.= i v nervous lo . den he keep thkin , but Yik Zhern keep kacau . reli v fan lo . den suddenly chia ming s*Ap me . FCUK ! suddenly lidat , i`m who ? shit meh ? i kno u just `qing qing` niah . but ppl v serious , u still playin . erks ! den i walk away , go dewan . seii tomboy still catch me gok . catch my socks , hair and blahs ! everythg du want complain . i kno u dnlike me , u always want me find another skul for me . nevermind ~ soon i`ll find a GOOD skul for me . u wnt see tiok me lw . and i`m grats cus no need see tiok u anymore GARFIELD ! den brw phn from Qing , msg HIM (: Finally , i smile (: Real SMILE ~ no fake smile le . hehs . den after recess , aherm`s bf break with her , just bcus she din hab phn cnt everyday msg him and den he chg heart ki . DAMN ! i started scr lw lo . scr next time is he chg heart bcus we din sms le . haiish ! but i`ll trust him ~ i kno ppl will say i`m fool or stupid or blahs . but IDK ! lalalas ~ i`ll still L.O.V.E him ! blekkkk ~ hehs . today afternoon damn happy laa ~ can msg him ! (: I MISH YOU A LOTS ! mwahs ~~~~

Sunday, June 28 ,
11:32 PM

25th and 26th is hari sukan . the first day , though can with him . but nope , whole day with Nikko . Thanks Nikko peii me , if not i`ll sit alone at padang de . play with Michelle jie and Kylie at after 3 . quite fun =/ saw AllyChiam at kopitiam . si beh pretty and THIN ~ 2nd day , saw NicholeLee at garden thr . also si beh THIN and cute . have a new darlinggg - Cynthia . go after 3 again with ahzhou , kimhua pigmaii and blahs . go bek padang with ahzhou cus she still have event . chit chat with ah jan . told him my thg and he told me his de also . 1st time talk so many thg with him . den ah jan go out , leave me alone at padang . msg Megan , find her at kopitiam . saw nikko , den walk to garden with ah b , ah boy and blahs . den Bdon cum . den go padang drink a cup of Milo den cum out again . walk to kopitiam find nikko with Bdon . chit chat awhile , pigmaii them cum bek . few minutes , go hum lw .
i wnt force u do anythg le . u can dn love me , but i cnt . dn force me choose HIM . i wnt and i dnwan , i just want u . no one can replace u in my heart . iLy v v muchiesss !

Tuesday, June 23 ,
11:52 PM

I Alister Then Yang Tu !
I ex-laogong !
I ex-pigDadiie !
I pigBaba !

7:19 PM

Congratulations to ME ! Today is da 2months that we tgt . I`ll celebrate it myself (: Ytd ytd nites we break jor . He said it . And he say we be bek ex-laogong and ex-laopo sin . 有一天我还是会回到你的身边的 . DAMN ! I love this sentences lo ! XD Today go Aroma find pigmaii them . I kno he at Cyber , but i not dare go find him . Cus sometime he treat me cold at msg . So i though he dnwan see tiok me . Den talk with pigmaii bout this . Talk till betahan lw , tears drop jor . We du walk to another place chat . Den Nikko walk past . He saw me crying , he ask me why u cry ? i du say u le ! dnwan bring me go buy muffin , i beh si cry lo . Den he laugh ! funny lo him . hehs . den he cum down from Cyber , he saw me crying . i dnwan face him cus i kno i will cry more tiam . So i said i want go find kimhua . Den i go cyber find kimhua , pigmaii follow me . Den i tell kimhua , why he sometime talk with me ho ho , den suddenly treat me cold de )': Den kimhua said go ask him la . den i sit beside kimhua , pigmaii sit at my bek . Den suddenly he cum in . He tek phn to kimhua , den stand beside me . Nth to talk with him , i feel v `gang ga` . So i go infront find his bro . Den awhile , he cum and say go out awhile got somethg want say . K lo ! i go out lo . Den got a ta bo cum out smoking . =.= Den he du go in lo . I du lan arh ! Call me cum out den u go in . WTF ! Den i go down Aroma . Den he ask me go whr ? I said go down la . Den blablablahs . Finally me , him , pigmaii and kimhua say ho ho . Den the thg solve jor (: After that kimhua and pigmaii go bek door find ppl . Den he call me peii him go tang cheng drink water . Du peii him go lo . Den he told me sumthg . That time reli want cry arh . But i control it , dn let it drop down . Den Nikko cum ! XD Den suddenly mama call me . GIN TIO lo ! Fast fast go CNC find Megan them arh . Den walk till half thk tiok i duno how walk past the road wor . Du walk bek and tell them i duno how walk past the road . Den he called Nikko bring me go . Den that seii Nikko si beh funny arh ! We past the road so gin tio lo . XD Thanks Nikko ! Den go in skul , msg him ! (: Till now i still cnt accept we break jor nerh . But i`ll man man accept de (: I`ll rmb our promise . I`ll wait for u till u cum bek . Reli reli reli ! No one can replace u in my heart ! iReliLoveYou ! U`re always MINE ! Chin Yin Yin Alister Then ! Forever and ever !

Sunday, June 21 ,
10:34 PM

梁文音 - 最幸福的事
你撑着雨伞 借我那次
已经足够我 记得一辈子
我懂後来你 不是不坚持
爱情本来就 没万无一失
泪水离开了 你的手指
那不如让它 流在这信纸
我想女孩子 最贴心的是
让爱的人选 结束的方式
我最幸福的事 当过你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩饰 让我们像当时拥抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事
可惜爱不是 童话故事
不能够永远 依赖着王子
才慢慢认识 只剩两个字
我怎麽忍心 为难你解释
我最幸福的事 当过你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩饰 让我们像当时拥抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事
那一阵子有你 美得不像现实
多高兴每一幕 都微笑着静止
我最幸福的事 牵着你的日子
一段爱从开始 直至分开我们都对彼此诚实
最幸福的事 对那片海用力大喊永远的样子
想得起的事 那天和你傻笑着认识 是最幸福的事

8:00 PM

Reli ! i reli miss u so much ! although we cnt tgt le . but i wnt give up this relationship . i`ll let mama belive us again (: i hope u wnt give up also . but , if got 1 day , u reli want give up , just tell me . i`ll let u go (: i wnt force u to love me . but i`ll still love u (: Alister Then Yang Tu iLy damn much !

Friday, June 19 ,
8:12 PM

today wake up at 11.20pm , msg dar , pompom du go out mumum . den go ahma house dreaming and watch Hello Kitty =.= borin chin , so i write somethg (:
Alister Then Yang Tu 邓仰土 is Chin Yin Yin 陈盈盈 punya ! I duno he will love me forever or not . But i can 100% comfirm , i will love him forever . x) I promised i wnt chg heart and wnt run lion . Wnt play / msg / too close with other ta bo without his permission . We wnt care other ppl say wad . We will trust each other . Anythg du must tell each other . Cnt tell lie to each other . Give each other freedom . Dn put cold each other when go out . I swear to everyone , i`ll him forever and ever . No one can replace him in my heart . I v appreciate tgt with him . He`s my boy , and also my future husband . Dn ever thk that u can snatch him from me ! You`re Mine and I`m Yours ! Mwahs mwahs !!

Thursday, June 18 ,
11:55 PM

hrm ~ almost 1 week din bloggin luu . XD dis few days si beh lazy lo . lazy go skul , lazy to eat , lazy to smile . lawls . fake smile ? sometimes laa . XD ! go skul everyday do correction , bo du si ponteng kelas . du din hab place go . sienz lo . hehs . erm ~ a bit forget dis few days wad happen lo . aduhh ~ old jor :) i rmb got 1 day , i go skul early . den straightly go block 1 . punteng though he at 3G so i go in 3H sin , find my ahzhou awhile , den go find him . mana ehzai he at 3H =.= den go in du play with Yen Hao and Kim Hua :( den he not happy nerh . dat time i still behcai gok . i put him cold arh . den bell ring lw , i peii him walk to bek door . den go bek class lw , den thk tiok i put him cold . den fast fast borrow phn from frens . den keep say sorry to him . dat night promise him wnt cincai play with ta bo lw . hehs :) today go skul more early lw . XD ! today no study narh . go skul for cleaning . lawls . reach skul lw , walk to cnc with Megan . den meet him at thr :) punteng want ponteng geh . but thk tiok no ppl peii me so du din hab ponteng luu . haiish . so regret bo ponteng lo ! aduhh ! at skul so hot ! and so borin ! hrm ~ i go in skul lw , he go cyber play game . erks ! he bo tell me . haii me always see my phn . den help ah hua clean whole block 3 the chairs and table :) afta that , kim hua said wait dar go hum , he cum skul find me . hahs . a bit happy la . cus no ppl at here . borin chin arh . den i tell him , he not happy again :( he call me go play with kim hua sin , den msg him . erks . i dnwan narh . i want msg with u only :) Oh-ya ! today i see tiok zhougong ! XD ! He cum in skul for fetch ahzhou go bek . den he walk block 1 go to canteen . zhun zhun ho i at thr . i see tiok him . i hak tiok , den i ask myself , this is zhougong mah ? why the face so same with zhougong de ? den see clearly a bit . reli is zhougong wor . den i du shout : zhougong ! eng dao wor ! XD ! den he say me siaw de =.= erks ! say u eng dao u say me siaw . hurt tiok my little heart lo . :D jkjk . hehs . den go dewan , extra super duper hot arh ! still cnt go toilet gok . apa laa ! erks . den du sit at thr nth can do . den go bek hum at 5.15pm . go hum straightly pompom . XD den msg with him , promise him i wnt cincai msg with other ta bo and wnt play with ta bo without his permission :) this promise is me say it de . cus i dnwan he bcus i always tgt / play / msg with ta bo , den man man not 100% trust me ki . i dnwan laa . so i say this promise sin :) hehs . den just say finish the promise not long niah , MONSTER msg me O.O i hak tiok lo . cus today he got cum bek skul with kim hua , den we got talk a little bit niah . den tonight du msg me . O.O den i told him sin . at the end , i bo reply :) promise du si promise . hehs . hrm ~ dar bo reply my msg lw . XD ! sure is ongong lw . hehs . nites nites my pigdar ~~~ :) sweet dream wor . mish ya lotsa ! ♥ you so much !

Sunday, June 14 ,
8:41 PM

i duno why u dnwan hiu me
if i do wrong anythg
but pls dn lidat treat me cold

5:15 PM

woots ! long time din blogging lw . XD lazy mah . hehs :P

110609 ; go out with dar , pigdaii , pigmaii , kim hua and thean SISTA ! hehs . hrm ~ meet pigmaii , pigdaii and him at kokboon , den go bowling center find chia ming . den meet kim hua and thean at thr . go watch movie - BLOOD . den watch finish , go mumum , du go bek lw :)

120609 ; kinda forget dat dat wad happen lw . hmm . if not wrong , is papa when sabah for working ? aduhh ~ old jor . XD den mama cum hum jaga me and ah fu :)

130609 ; wake up , brush teeth and pompom . he call me , ask me whr are me :) he at hong soon house . he want cum my house find me . happy chin ! he reli cum lo . XD den he cum in my house with ah jin (his fren) . den drink water , sit awhile du leave lw . cus he still need work . but still happy narh . at night , go jln song starbucks have a ice blend chocolate cream with chocolate chips :) love it ! heard papa cum bek tonight , so i go mama house slp with mama . ah ma just cum bek from bintulu , den tonight go in again . cus her 4th sister meninggal dunia :(

140609 ; today wake up at 2pm ! O.O see tiok my phn have many missed call is him . but i din call bek , cus mama beside me . last night have some prob with her . haiish ~ den go Tabuan Jaya mumum , den mama pick me bek papa`s house :( den i du call bek him , ask him find me anythg .he du started say say say , i du cry cry cry . aduhhhh ~ i also behcai i cry for wad . mama say i not suitable for live with her . we stay at my aunt house . inside have nth . no aircond , blablablahs . so mama call me bek papa house . den go skul and bek from skul , she go pick me :'( damn sad ! but i also behcai i sad bout wad . he ask me i want stay with who ? i ask myself , i also duno . haiish ~

Wednesday, June 10 ,
5:46 PM

Tagged by Hazelin :)
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the game the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time : 5:48PM
Name : ChinYinYin :)
Sisters : 0
Brothers : 1
Shoe size : 5 ? 6 ?
Height : 160 ? i thk so
Where do you live : Kuching
Favourite drinks : JusTea ! [Peach flavour]
Favourite breakfast : I wake up at afternoon , hw take breakfast ? XD
Have you ever been on a plane : lawls !
Swam in the ocean : Nope
Fallen asleep in school : sometime :)
Broken someone's heart : i don`t know
Fell off your chair : never ! xD
Sat by the phone and waiting for someone to call : yesh !
What is your room like : My room kinda messy ! :D
What's right beside you : mouse . =)
What is the last thing you ate : bak kut teh :]
Ever had ;
Chicken pox : yeaps x)
Sore throat : nuuu ~
Stitches : no
Broken nose : nopes
Do you ;
Believe in love at first sight : hrm ~ nopes :)
Like picnics : no.
Who was, were the last person;you danced with : nobody ! lawls
Last made you smile : Mama ? XD
You last yelled at : behcai wor :]
Today did you ;
Talk to someone you like : yesh ! hehs .
Kissed anyone : nopes.
Get sick : nope
To to an ex : har ?
Miss someone : aduhh ~ ofcus got laa ! =.=
Eat : yeap
Best feeling in the world : yesh ! being loved :)
Do you sleep with stuffed animals : Patrick counted animal ?
What's under your bed : nth ~
Who do you really hate : small king kong !
What time is it now : 6:10PM
5 things i was doing 10 years ago [[4 years old]]
1. crying
2. watch cartoon :)
3. slping
4. eating
5. dreaming ? XD
5 things on my to-do list today
1. eat lunch with mama
2. go shoping with mama
3. dreaming
4. online
5. SLP !
5 snacks i enjoy
1. chocolate
2. mister potato !
3. -
4. -
5. -
5 things i would do if i were a billionaire
1. give some for my papa mama and ahma :)
2. go shopping till finish
3. -
4. -
5. -
5 of my bad habits
1. Lazy
2. talk to papa mama with bad attitude
4. -
5. -
5 places i have lived in
1. home
2. hotel
3. ahma`s house
4. Hazel's hse
5. -
5 people i'm tagging is
1. Ally :)
2. Susan :]
3. Marian Jee x)
4. Leonard Teo =]
5. Megan =)

Saturday, June 6 ,
7:12 PM

Hmm .. Just nw webcam with dadiie . Happy chin arh !! Mish dadiie so much ! Dy have 1 week din see tiok him luu . :( Use webcam also v happy nar . :) Just nw keep chg display pic with PigMaii . XD ! She have alots my old pic . And i`ve her old pic too . :D Dadiie kinda want sick lidat . So worry nar . Behcai he got drink many water bo . Rest more laa dadiie . Aduhh ~ I say tonight maii cook porridge , slp early . He say early cook cnt meh ? Aduhh ~ Reli give him kek tiok lo . Si du ai cook porridge geh . xP Ytd ytd i watch Monster v.s Alien at hum . :] AhFu buy de . Woots ! The monster so cute nar ! Like jelly lidat . Hehs . I put cold dadiie when cooking porridge . Cus dat time i watching the cartoon . :( Sorry ~~ And and , ytd make dadiie angry gok . Haiish . Behcai huat hamik shen jing . Always make him angry geh . Ming ming ehcai he will angry , i still go do gok . Aduhh ~ Eat wrong medicine lw . But afta good bek lw , i so scr ner . Scr he always angry angry den got 1 day he reli leave me lw . :( Den he said if lidat du break mah v ke si ? Aiiseh ! XD Dnwan leave dadiie lw . Want be his laopo forever . xP So si ai bin geh . :D Blekkk ~ IDK ! xD I just want be with him ~~ :)

Thursday, June 4 ,
8:27 PM
ily :)

Ytd damn tired . Today stomach damn full . Drink alot of WATER ! XD This few day no government beside me :) So every night cook porridge cook till v late . Now bcum panda ki lw . :( Hehs . But nvm narh . Hmmm .. 6 days din see tiok dadiie luu . TT Tmr du si 1 week lw . =[ So mish dadiie narh . Dadiie tmr still got rumah traning . Tonight cnt too late slp lw . Den i du lonely lw luu . Sorry dadiie ~ Ytd night make u angry . :( Sorry ~ No more next time le . I love dadiie ! :) Hope time past faster . Faster next year . Hehs . Lidat everyday du can see tiok dadiie lw . =) And and , dadiie arh . Maii do let urself regret de thg le . Do lw du si do le . Regret also no use le . I kno u heart pain pain narh . But nvm laa . :) Cus is my wrong mah . So dn heart pain pain lw wor . =) Love dadiie muchiiee ! Mwahs !

Tuesday, June 2 ,
5:22 PM

Ytd go Sematan with my big family and Megan . =) Have alots of fun arh . Hehs . We huat siaw at thr . Lawls ` Megan hin lw . I drink half tin du cincai say thg luu . Hehs . Still make my uncle fall down from the chair . XD Den go bek room rehat , du call dadiie . =) Say alots blur thg . I just kno i cry twice niah . xD Den phn bo batt lw . =( Du end phn ongong . Megan eat ice-cream with me . TT Den slp at 3+am wake up at 9 . So slpy lo . Damn tired ! But tonight want cook porridge with dadiie narh . Mish him alots ! Love him forever ! =) Promise dadiie wnt chg heart ! Mwahs !

Muahaha ! xP

Dua cha bo at toilet huat siaw . xD

YESH ! We`re VAIN ! So wad ? XD

Megan kek her BIG MOUNTAIN ! O.O