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Yiinz Chin

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Tuesday, April 28 ,
1:17 AM
Love dar much much nar~

Hahs. Everyday we will chat till over 12am. U kno why? Cus when past jor 12am, we will call each other and tell each other past jor 1 day luu. Hehs. Hmmm. Tgt wif dar 3 days luu.. I hope can continue till 3000000 days. Hahs. Although we always quarrel. But dar still will rang me. But I always feel v sorry. Cus I always find quarrel wiv dar. Or let dar worry. Haiish. Useless a me. And hor, everytym when i post new blog. Dar will c it. Den he told me he rain wor. Hmmm. Duno is real de or jk de. Hehs. Reli v happy can tgt wiv dar. Dar so love me. Hehs. I LOVE DAR TOO~~~ =] Reli hope dar tgt wiv me will happy lo. Cus i scr dar tgt wiv me not hapi. Hehs. But dar~ I can tell u. I tgt wiv u reli v hapi nar. xD Wanna tgt wiv u till we bcum lao ahpek and lao ahmu. Hehs. I thk dat tym u still will so handsome gua. Hehs. 土 forever. Mwarks!

Monday, April 27 ,
11:17 PM

Today dar got stay bek at skul wif KimHua and ChiaMing. Den so happy nar. Pakto wif dar. But afta that, dar chg phn wif me. Den i saw tiok sumthg. Haiish. Reli v v v v v sad a. Tears drop. Haiish. I dn lie dar. So i told him, i saw tiok sumthg, tears drop. Den dar told me he v long din go c it le. Haiish. Idk wad dar explain. I also will blib dar de. But dat time reli cnt control nar. Sorry dar~~~~ Today dear bu ting hua. Cincai thk and tears drop gok. Haiish. Always lidat de bo. But afta dar said a thg, i v hapi nar. He said we must tgt till long long o. So many ppl 祝福 us. We cnt let them dissapointed wor. Hehs. Yaya! Many ppl zhu fu us, so we cnt let them dissapointed. Blekk~~ Dar also said he scr i will bian xin, he wnt leave me and i dn leave him too. Wahh~~~ Happy chin a. xDD Dar~~ I wnt bian xin de nar. And I wnt leave u too. Hehs. Rmb wor~~ We must +u+u a. xP Love dar much much a. But still need tell dar a thg. Dar~~~ Today reli v sorry ner. Quarrel and tears drop and cincai thg. I promise nxt tym wont le. My heart will always hab dar de. xP Mwarks!

Sunday, April 26 ,
6:20 PM

Today wake up le, waitin dar find me. Hehs. When afternoon, he call me. We chat luu. Hehs. Today no quarrel wor. Good good. =] I feel like love dar more then last time luu. =] I dnwan leave dar. Hehs. Dar also dn leave me wor. xP If dar leave me, i sure will cry till seii de. Muahaha. dar much much a. Hahs. Mwark!

1:48 AM
SORRY dar~~

I always find quarrel wif dar wor. Haiish. SORRY dar~~ All is my fault. So childish. Yiishh. Sry nar. No more nxt tym le. I swear. And. I wont run lion de. Hehs. I promise dar. Dar also musz help me wor. Hehs. Love dar much much ner. Hehs. Mwarks~

Saturday, April 25 ,
3:33 PM
Happy chin nar. I heart HIM

Today i kno him tgt wif erhem erhem. Not happy. Punteng din go skul de. But still wanna see u. So go skul, keke find Megan. Hahs. But afta u msg me, ask me wan go eat wif u mah. I du kek u. Haishh. I find u quarrel de. Sorry~~ But afta u explain to me, den du good bek lw. Hehs. Den when u cum bek skul, I go hum luu. TT Hahs. But afta u sms me, told me wad`s ur ans le. Hehs. Happy chin a~~~ But duno now me and him is wad relation. xDD hin lw. Siaw lw. xD

Thursday, April 23 ,
11:23 PM

Dis few days we always sms. Hmmm. We can say everyday sms la. Den hor, sometimes he v care me. Make me so happy. Sometimes I din reply his msg means I angry him. xDD Really like him so much nar. :] Tmr got bkb training wor. xD Wanna go his class find him!! =] Today he gib me a lollipop~ xD So happy ner. I din eat dat lollipop. I keep it. Muahaha. But maybe tmr I`ll bring it to skul. If he wan to eat, du gib him eat luu. Hahs. Today aftanuun, he sms me. But afta he reply i din reply le. Cus I go pj. Hahs. Afta I cum bek from pj. He say he wei tong. Aiyo~ Heart pain pain a. Den I du say him bu ting hua. xDD
When recess, I cal Qing use her phn sms him. Ask him like me or not? He said no. Haishh. But make me hin hin nia. If he dnlike me, why so care me le? Jusz me thk so much jor?? Haishh. Really wanna kno wad`s his ans a. But I not dare ask. Cus I scr his ans will hurt tiok me. But maybe he really like me le. Haishh. Duno wan how la~~

Wednesday, April 22 ,
8:39 PM

Today so happy nar. Morning go skul traning bkb. Den when morning session de student recess I go canteen see tiok Nana dem. I du chat wif them luu. Den follow dem go bek class. I go his class. xD Den hor, we du chat chat chat. Den awhile I du go bek lw. When 12pm, I go bek to skul again. Den keke at thr waiting him. xDD Den, he du cum out. Den we du chat chat chat. xD Den he go tek phn from his fren. Den he stand at thr tok wif me wor. I say he lie me. Ytd he say on da way lw. But Qing told me he at king centre cuming. Erkk. Den he du say many car marh. Den today after skul, I saw tiok him at bek door. But dat tym I no mood [cus I wei tong ] , I du din tok to him. Den i go in car le. He sms me, why no mood? I du say wei tong. Den he du say say say. So loso. Hahs. He care me wor. I so happy. But b4 I plan hor a thg lw. I can feel tiok baddiie yiinz like me marh. So baddiie yiinz and HIM, who say `I like You` to me. I du accept which one marh. But jusz now. Baddiie Yiinz told me he like me lw. Cham lw. TT How now? Want wait HIM? Haishh. Really love him ki. But I not dare say. Cus I scr he reject me. Haishh haishh

Monday, April 20 ,
11:23 PM
19.04.2009 & 20.04.2009

Hmmm. Ytd de ytd is 19th. Hahs. Baddiie Jackie online. :] I du chat wif him. I said I wan chg name wif him. xD Then he du said he cal wad le? I du said: U cal baddiie Yiinz luu. xDD Den afta he give me his hp num. Cal me miss cal him. xD Den I du cal luu. Den he du sms me. Den chat chat chat. Muahaha. Lyk a couple like that. BUT WE`RE NOT. XD Maii misunderstand wor. =] Den 20th~~ Raining cats and dogs. My bag wet jor. TT At first i didnt c tiok him sitting at thr. But seii Yiinz cal me. I hak tiok arh. xD Den I c tiok HIM! Happy chin arh~~ Den I told him my hand o che cus he catch my hand. Den he not blib wor. Erkk. Den afta he said let him c my hand awhile. Den I du let him c luu. Den hor, he press it a. Cek ak luu. Erkk. Wad ppl like tht de. Yiishh. But hor, still happy nar. =] Tmr will go skul at 9.30pm. Cus wan do PSV project. Den hor, Megan go 3H pakto. I can go 3H find ahzhou. Duno tht time he at whr le. If he at class, I du go his class luu. If he at canteen, I du go canteen luu. :] I thk tiok tmr, I du v happy a~~ xD
K nar. Nitez nitez. Misz him and love him. ^^ Love everyone also. Mwark~!

Saturday, April 18 ,
9:06 PM
Misz u.Love u♥

Misz u so much ner. REALLY~~ Misz u soooooooo muchh~~~ Haishh. I kno ahzhou de feeling lw. TT But I good den ahzhou luu. Today got see tiok him. xDD But go hum lw. Du start misz u lw. Haishh. I always hope u got stay bek or when I bek from skul. I can c tiok u at bek door. Haishh. Everyday at skul bo xim study arh. Always miszing u. Hehs. I misz ur smile :) I misz ur eyes :P I misz ur hand. I misz ur everythg. xD Love u much much. But I kno I will hurt much much also. Cusz hor, I kno u like who now. Haishh. Today pigmaii ask me will gao bai marh? I said wont. Cusz hor, if I gao bai, he din accept. Jusz will hai me tiok hurt niah. So better dn gao bai. =] Now I du dy feel v good le. Be friend more good. Sometimes play till v fun. Sometimes u can tell me ur fan nao. Hahs. This is wad I want. :] Anyway~~ I jusz kno wad I wan now is YOU~ I jusz kno wad I love da most is YOU~ =]

8:03 PM
V happy nar =]

Hehs. Today go to skul for `gerko`. Hahs. Actually is go for play. Muahaha. Hehs. Then meet Qing and Yik Zhern. Then peii Yik Zhern go Kok Boon find seii Yiinz and seii Alister lw. Me and Qing du go Tang Cheng. Go till thr, c tiok Alister de bro and Chia Ming. Then du chat chat chat. Then Yik Zhern, seii Yiinz and seii Alister du come Tang Cheng. Den duno why seii Yiinz lyk bo mood bo mood anehh. Haishh. Always smoke wont stop de. Haishh. Sure bcus da xxx de. But afta he du wont lw. =] Then we go cyber bully Zhern Shin. xD seii Yiinz play so rude with him arh. Den afta me, seii Alister, Alister bro, Qing, Chia Ming, Yik Zhern and seii Yiinz sit Alister bro de car go out. We put seii Yiinz at 7-11 thr. Then we go Hock Lee play. Nyaid. They always bully me lurh. Ku ji me. Hit my head. seii Alister more cham. Catch my hand and dn let me hit him. TT Now my hand o che lw luu. Wuwu. Then seii Alister told me many thg about last time de. Woots. This is da 1st time he say so many thg to me wor. Hahs. Then we go bek Tang Cheng. Then they mumum. Afta pigmaii and pigdaii and daiineng jie/aunt cum. Then afta they eat finish, du go cyber. Hahs. Den hor, soi soi see tiok Bernard. He still sit at beside seii Alister gok. They seii Alister see tiok Bernard. Always catch my hand go touch him. Haishh. Now my hand o che lw luu. Cham lw~
Hahs. Today really v happy nar. Cus HIM.
K nar. Want go watch drama luu. =] Nitez nitez~~ Mwark. HIM.Pigmaii.Pigdaii.Ahzhou.Zhougong.And EVERYONE~

Wednesday, April 15 ,
10:40 PM

Sienz chin lo. Haishh. Hahs. Hmmm. Dis few days my mood siaw siaw de. Hahs. Sometym good sometym not good. Hahs. Haishh. Laopo and her bf. Duno them la. Also not good lw. Oui~~~~ Cnt care other ppl de thg!!!! Haishh. I always told myself dn care other ppl de thg. Sienz nor. Haishh. Maii say not happy de thg. xD Dis few days always see tiok him! Diu~~ Song arh. xD Tues and Wed. xD Hope tmr again! =] So happy when see tiok him. His bro always smile wif me wif no reason or wad de bor. Siaw siaw de. xD But quite fun de. Hehs. Haishh. Miss him again. Diu~~ Hahs. Maii miss him too much. Afta hurt tiok myself niah. Hehs. Clever lw~~ Wont gong gong lidat le. =] Musz be clever a bit lw. Dn ben ben like that give ppl pian. Hehs. Woots. I zhang da luu. xD Haishh. Long time din eat lollipop luu. Nan guai wil bo mood larh. xD Hahs. Baddiie Jackie owe me one lollipop. Ahmaii owe me one lollipop. Duno they when give me. TT Nvm~~ I wait~~ xD K nar. Wan kacau my ahdaii lw. =] Nitez nitez to my bloggiie~~ Mwarkz mwarkz. u guys wor. Espeacially laopo, ahzhou, HIM~~

Monday, April 13 ,
11:48 PM
To ahzhou~~

Haishh. Zhou arh. I kno thg already past jor. Dn say le. But stil cnt. I stil wan say. I kno wad happen le. And I kno wad I should I do le. U and zhougong must always tgt o. Cnt quarrel again le. Haishh. K nar. I hope u and zhougong dn bcus a thg du quarrel nar. And I kno wad should I do nar. ahzhou and zhougong arh. Mwark mwark.

4:25 PM
Happy ner~

Woots. Just now Yik Zhern told me tmr form3 de student got stay back. Happy till seii larh. Hahs. He sure got stay back de larh. xD He sure will tgt wif seii Yiinz and come my class find me de. =] Happy happy happy happy happy xD Duno how zhougong and ahzhou le. Haishh. Very wry ner. Haishh. Izit my fault? Izit my wrg? Haishh. TT I duno want how face ahzhou arh. =[ Haishh. Duno nar. Want go prepare thg for tonight de tt luu. Tataz. =] Take care everyone wor. xD

Sunday, April 12 ,
11:31 PM
Sorry ahzhou and zhougong! TT

Sorry ahzhou~ Sorry zhougong~ Is Zensun hai de. All is zensun de fault. I duno I do wad wrong. My mama and ahgong said. Call me dn too close wif other ppl de bf. Haishh. Sorry ahzhou~ I`m very very very very SORRY~ I punteng du cnt cal zhougong open webcam de. I punteng du cnt so good if zhougong de. SORRY~ Sorry zhougong~ I haii tiok u and ahzhou quarrel. Haishh. All is my fault nar. SORRY!

9:02 PM
Miss u ner~~

Haishh. Miss u much much ner. How? TT 3 days din see tiok u lurh. Hope Tues u got stay back. =] Hahs. Suddenly got a feel. U wont accept me. =[ TT If u reject me. U`re the 3rd guy reject me in mylife. Haishh. 1st is chao agua 2nd also a chai agua. But u not chao agua. =] Hahs. I also duno why I like chao agua. xD But now wont le. I like a quite man de boy. Woots. O.O Hahs. He very strong and his eyes SO cute. =] When he laugh. Diu man! Dame cute nor. Erkk. Hahs. Love his smile. =) Haishh. Miss him. Love him. Woaita. Woxiangta. Tiamo. Je`taime. Aishiteru. Sarangheyo. Hahs. Siaw lw. xD Tmr can get eyes lens from kimo luu. Diu~ That eyes lens so mahuan lurh. Erkk. But not mine. Is seii Honey geh. xD Kays nar. Busy lw. xD Nitez nitez to my bloggiie. Mwarkz mwarkz. u guys ya. =] Especially HIM and MONSTER. =]

Saturday, April 11 ,
12:35 AM

Haishh. I duno now my heart got who. 10% is monster. Another 90% is ahmaii ahdaii ahgongaii ahmamaii ahzhou zhougong and also HIM! Diu~ Siaw lw. Behcai why wil like him ki. Grrrr. Ahgongaii kno who`s that HIM. Haishh. Sienz nor. Bo diao bo ti like jor him. Fever? No le. Haishh. Hmmm. Recently ntg happen. Miss HIM? Hahs. Kinda. xD Miss MONSTER? Nopz. =] Woots. Cham lw. Tiok HIM virus. xD Missing him? A lil. Just now chat msn with him gok. xD Happy happy nar. xP But talk awhile niah. I du go see my drama lw. Hahs. My drama more important. =] Baddiie Jackie! xD Ahmaii kno wad I saying larh hor~ xD
K larh. I hope u guy see le, dn hin hin arh. Cus I also duno wad I write le. xD K nar. Nitez nitez to my bloggiie. ahmaii ahdaii ahgongaii ahmamaii ahzhou zhougong MONSTER & HIM! =] Mwarkz!

Wednesday, April 8 ,
11:32 PM

Woots. Kimo jie become my laopo lw. xD Happy nar. =] Hmmm. Ahzhou arh. Why u at class like that. U din tell zensun ner? Aiyo. Hai me see lw heart pain pain. Hahs. Next time got thg can tell zensun nar. Maii put in ur heart. Afta heart attack arh. Erkk. Hahs. Anyways. If u thk dat u happy. Zensun also will happy de larh. =] I will stay beside ahzhou when ahzhou need my shoulder. =] Hmmm. Still got wad wan say le. Hmmm. Woots. Kimo laopo tgt with xxxx wor. xD Promise cnt say it out de. =X Hahs. That guy quite okays larh. A bit agua. xD Bt she happy du ho lw. =] Ohh ya! Hmmm. Qing and Ah Yen break jor. Kno wad reason? Ah Yen said we break bah, i want play game. == So lame de reason arh. Nyaid. Hahs. But. Aiyo. Duno lah. If tgt no feel lw, better break lurh. If not hurt more deep. =] This is wad i say la. I duno wad ppl thk luu. xD I just hope my friend can happy and dn thk unhappy de thg. And ahzhou also le. Dn thk unhappy de thg o. If din hab friend can find zensun nar. Zensun din hab dating. xD Zensen lovb SINGLE! =] K nar. Time for slp~ Nitez nitez. Sweet dream. Love everyone~! =] Mwarkz mwarkz.

Saturday, April 4 ,
9:54 PM

Today my bro pick me go school. Then at school, Chia Ming and Yik Zhern come find me at dewan. Then we du chat chat chat. Then Kim Hua and Yew Thean come. Then afta go out with Jess. Then go drink water. Then got someone see tiok I sit Jess de car. I still sit in front gok. Then they du spread to everyone. Ahzhou them ask me I on with him harhs? Nyaid! BO KO NENG larhs. Haishh. I dnwan larhs. Just go out drink a water come back du become like that lw. Sienz nor~Behcai want how now. Ahgong said, maii go explain so many to them. They du wont belive, say so many waste time niahs. Haishh. Behcai want hear who one. Haishh. K nar. Wanna slp le. Very slpy nar. Ytd slp at 3am. Then wake up at 7am. Haishh. The eyes always want down like that. Hahx. Nitez~ Mwarkz! Lovb ue guys ya! =]

Friday, April 3 ,
8:57 PM

Recently.. Nothing happen. Hehx. Ohh~ Ya! Hmm. This few days always sms with Jess and Bernard. =] Bernard is my new de gan didi. But now he chase me lw. OMG~ Ftft. Hahx. Then Jess is a guy. Forget how old lw. Hehx. Quite okays larhs. But ahdaii call me dn too close to him. LOLs. I still sms and go out with him gok. Nyaid. Scare ahdaii kno le. Hmmm. Then duno he will how le. Pa pa. Hahx. Then~ Tmr want go eat thg with Jess. Punteng he want watch movie de, but I dnwan. I hate watch movie. That`s for couple and boring de ppl go de. Hahx. Go there waste time niahs. Hahx. So I say go eat lurhs. Hahx. Duno who got go also. I dnwan go with him only. Hahx. I thk ahdaii and ahmaii wont go gua. Cause they want pakto pakto. Hehx. Ahmaii today so CEK AK! Put aeroplane me. Hnghng. At inner pakto with ahdaii, dnwan come school see ahluaii. Hnghng. Hehx. But nvm nar~ They happy du okays lw. =] Hehx. Duno want accept Bernard marhs le. I got a lil like him. But if I accept him, Bdon sad, many ppl will stay away from me. TT I du no friend le. I like with boy de friend tgt. But if I got bf lw, they sure will stay away from me de. TT I dnwan nar. Haishh. Behcai want how arhs. Sienz nor! Hahx.
Hmmm.. K nar~ Busy lw. Hehx. Nitez nitez to my bloggiie. Lovb everyone ya~ Mwarkz mwarkz~